Government letter: Letter has arrived... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Government letter

20 Replies

Letter has arrived from my Cancer Centre ladies and not GP. I realise 12 weeks is a long time especially in an apartment. We do have floor to ceiling wide windows and a balcony. It has a nice sunny position as well but, I am going to miss my allotment. Now is the time for us to be planting out crops. My husband still has to do our shopping albeit very little. We love fresh fruit and veg. I’m worried sick about him going. He does wash his hands as soon as he comes back and I spray his clothes with a isopropanol mixture. It’s 99.9% alcohol and no, we can’t drink it. Online deliveries are virtually impossible. Does anyone have the same problem? My heart goes out to those of you lovely people that are on your own. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

20 Replies
Kiera49 profile image

It's good that you have got a letter, I know what you mean we used to shop online but since coronavirus there are no delivery slots available

Barbteeth profile image

Sort of confused me...if I stayed in completely then my hubby has to go out for shopping so it makes no your chap he washes hands etc

I’m just popping out for walks nearby and been to stables a few times..might get on my horse for a plod as it’s not banned yet...same as cycling just keep your distance

in reply to Barbteeth

No, it doesn’t make sense really. He or any member of my family or friend can get the shopping and come back home but I can’t go out. Kind of contradicts itself. I suppose they are hoping every one uses their common sense.

Justme153 profile image
Justme153 in reply to Barbteeth

Ya here in the USA it's confusing also. New York City is like the epicenter of the virus. Along with Philadelphia and New Orleans, Detroit . The state's have shut down schools and businesses to control the spread. Yet Gov Cuomo and Gov Wolf have not stopped bus loads car travel air travel of people leaving these epicenters and spreading this virus country wide. I think they are allowing it on purpose because Cuomo for sure knew they could not handle all the people who would come to the hospitals. So it was turn our eyes away let as many people leave so they will be someone else's problem. I do feel bad for the people in these areas and under stand the fear they must be feeling so I can't get angry about this . Yet it is frustrating knowing that one of these people escaping NY could be the one who infects one of my family because they as medical professionals must still go to work .

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Justme153

Everything is so contradictory...I’m in UK and we’re in lockdown...schools cinema restaurants pubs etc all closed...yet Heathrow airport is still allowing flights in from Spain Italy Iran and France!!!

Crazy yet we’re told to stand two metres away from people

Barb xx

Justme153 profile image
Justme153 in reply to Barbteeth

It really is Frustrating I just want it over . Take care and stay safe!

in reply to Barbteeth

We get such mixed messages Barb x

in reply to Barbteeth

It’s a shambles. Either lockdown or don’t do anything. As for testing WHAT TESTING. Beginning of March my Aunt flew home from Sydney. The airport put her through every test they could before she flew. She got to Heathrow and nothing. She couldn’t wait to get away from there. With you on this one Barb. Such mixed messages all the time. I wanted to talk to my Cancer Centre today. Answerphone says email, letter says phone. Grrrrrrr........hope you have seen the horses today.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Not seen them today but going to ride tomorrow...first time since gall bladder op...hope Bugsys a good boy!

Chin up sweetie

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

and was Bugsy good? Got to allotment for a couple of hours. Beautiful and no one around.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Oh so pleased you spent time in your allotment...great to be out in nature

Bugsy was a good boy...I even had a nice canter through the woods which are looking very springlike...lots of hawthorn coming into leaf

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Almost back to normal. Great news you can ride again in the air x

in reply to

I bet it was lovely getting to spend time at your allotment. What are you growing?

Sophie x

in reply to

Not growing to much as it will all need watering and times are restricting that. We have tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, potatoes, onions, broad beans, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and gooseberries. We normally grow much more but allotments are prone to getting broken in to and with the way things are it would be a lot of effort for us for it to be stolen. There is around 100 allotments on the land at the moment. There will be plenty of apples, plums and pears that everyone will share. I expect other plot holders will be giving us brassica plants in a couple of weeks. Everyone is so kind. There was us and 6 or 7 other folks there yesterday. They were nowhere near us. I will take pictures to show you all when everything comes good (hopefully). The air was lovely over there. I was knackered when we got back. Have a good weekend.

in reply to

It sounds like you are going to have a bumper crop when everything starts to come in. At least having an allotment gets you out of the house and keeps you busy. Enjoy your weekend. My husband and I just got back from a walk.


in reply to

Let’s hope so. Glad you managed a walk.

in reply to Justme153

Almost living on a knife edge. Try and keep positive thoughts. I find it hard but try to think of lovely things I have done over the years and look at old photos. Best wishes

Red71 profile image

Here we are still encouraged to go outside as long as we only go with our quarantine group, which in my case is only my husband. We can get in the car and go to a nice place to walk as long as we stay 6 feet away from other people. It would be nice if your allotment assigned hours to be there so only a few people would be there at a time. We have to use our common sense. If we aren’t allowed to go outside for 2 months we will all be crazier than we are now!

in reply to Red71

Uk letter states you can sit on your doorstep to get fresh air. I live in an apartment with a secure entrance. I could dangle my feet out of my third floor lounge window 😤🥰

I know. I have freaked a few times already and why? I can’t change the situation at all. I’m happy at the moment staying home but it’s only been a week so far. Spoke to my Son in Australia today. He lives there. He said there’s 9 cruise ships waiting to dock in Sydney and somewhere else there and the officials won’t allow them to as they have Coronavirus on board. Ladies we are coping with so much right now. I would love to go to my allotment but being as the letter states I will have a severe illness if I catch it (all know what that means) I can’t bring myself to venture. Talk soon.

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