Good morning Ladies,
I came across this article and thought it might be of interest - bicarbonate of soda is cheap and easy to obtain and the Ludwig Cancer Research Study seems to be on to something. Thoughts anyone?
Good morning Ladies,
I came across this article and thought it might be of interest - bicarbonate of soda is cheap and easy to obtain and the Ludwig Cancer Research Study seems to be on to something. Thoughts anyone?
I've read some stuff (there's an article on WebMD) about high-alkaline diets for things like cancer and arthritis. Bicarb would fall into that category. The WebMD article doesn't think it's effective, but certainly not harmful. Here's a link to that article; I'm sure you could find more.
Hi Southside25, Yes, I get that an alkaline diet in itself may not do much to affect cancer per ser because the body has a remarkable knack of balancing its pH.
However, the Ludwig Cancer Research article suggests something different and potentially very powerful - that the bicarbonate awakens dormant cancer cells deep within tumours by disrupting their comfortable acid bath. This awakening renders them susceptible to cancer treatment to which they may otherwise have been resistant. Interesting stuff - and the article reckons that pretty much every cancer patient would therefore benefit from bicarb.
I have been taking one teaspoon of baking soda with a cup of water since I was diagnosed de Novo June 2018. I am on 100 mg Ibrance, Femara and Xgeva. I had 7 tumors in my liver, they are all gone, one in a lymph node is now gone, wide spread bone mets all stable and primary breast tumor now about 20% of what it originally was. I believe the baking soda is helping.
It is amazing to hear that 7 tumours , along with the one in your lymph node, are all gone and that the others are now stable. Well done! What does your oncologist have to say about that?
I haven't told the oncologist about the baking soda, probably because it is not a medical treatment. But I'm sure he believes the results are from I brance, Femara, Xgeva and having my ovaries removed.
Ah, OK! I see. My oncologist mentioned having an oophorectomy when I saw her on Monday (for the third or fourth time) and I declined again. I just don't feel like having it done. Perhaps I will feel differently in future, but for now I am happy to continue with the monthly zoladex injections.
thank you; a friend told me about this over a year ago and I had, in fact, incorporated it into my diet by adding 1 level teaspoon of baking soda to a gallon of our filtered water. then, after the cancer diagnosis blew me away, I forgot all about it! at 1 level teaspoon, you will not even taste it! God bless you and heal us all in Jesus name, amen!
Thank you for sharing. Interesting read. What is the amount of baking soda to a glass of water. I didn’t see that in the article.
I started at 1/4 teaspoon and now do 1 flat teaspoon per day in a glass of water - on an empty stomach so as not to neutralise stomach acid when it is needed for digestion.
I must admit it does make me feel better.
Interesting article! Thank you!
Very interesting. I always say if its something that cant do any harm, if theres even only half percent chance it will help Im gonna do it. Thanks for sharing x
Another benefit I noticed from the baking soda is that I used to get yeast infections all the time (almost monthly) and occational UTI's (a couple times a year). But since taking the baking soda regularly, not even once for either yeast or UTI.
in addition to drinking water w/baking soda, as needed, i use it for a detox bath. with the initial diagnosis, each Friday night, after the week of radiation, i would bathe in 1 cup baking soda, in the 'jacuzzi' tub. i continued consistently for a few years, then became inconsistent. sometimes i would just bathe/soak the feet.
with the mets diagnosis, i started again to detox bathe weekly. i, also, purchased The Answer to Cancer:A simple Solution for the Western Condition. it speaks about "baking soda."
Greetings: Sister/warrior, and thank you for this article. I do eat by a book called Bloodtype diet by Joseph Christiano. I eat, and ingest foods, drinks, herbs, supplements that alkalize and benefit my body./bloodtype. In the morning I drink an alkalizing filtered water, with additional lemon/lime, ginger, garlic, and a pinch of iodized sea salt, and baking soda added in to every 15 Oz glass. I drop in the pieces of lemon, crushed garlic, and ginger. You can test your PH levels with litmus paper, by using your tongue saliva, your urine, or both to find the optimal PH level for (you.) I add the baking soda, and Iodized salt to raise my blood pressure because I run low blood pressure, partially because I work out, and partially because of my family genetics. Honestly I don't eat a lot of salt, nor do I eat any processed foods that contain a lot of salt as a preservative. Yesssssssss even my protein shakes , and soy milk have a pinch of salt, and baking soda added to them. I keep a couple of packets of salt in my wallet for those times when I feel light headed. I don't want to be passing out, and hitting my head on the ground, and waking up to people saying, but she lives such a healthy. lifestyle. (LOL) I believe in eating clean healthy foods from Gods green earth. Sorry for the long dissertation, but I hope this has helped you, and our other sister/warriors. Happy Thanksgiving. XoXoXo