I finished my last day of radiation on Thursday. It did burn my skin, so to all of my mbc sisters or brothers could someone tell me what I could put on my skin for healing? Thank you, Meme
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Did you treat your skin as you went along? I love lanolin salve. Very protective and soothing. I also like Eucerin or CeraVe. Lately I’ve been using Aquaphor on a persistent skin rash and it too is very soothing.
Yes I was, I was and Im still using Aquaphor. They also told me to use corn starch. I'll try some of the others you suggested. Thank you
Finished radiation almost two weeks ago. I was told to use unscented/lanolin free Lubriderm or Glaxal base twice a day. It is working good. Still tender but no outbreaks on the skin. Stop using the cream if the skin begins to peel and is moist looking. No bra, ice packs or heating pads. I live in Canada but I am sure these products are available in the US. Usually two to four weeks after treatment is complete. Hope this helps. Minesing girl
You are welcome. I should introduce myself to you and everyone as this was my first post in this community. I am happy to have found this group with so much information. Helps to read others experience with the same problems even though we all have different results. Minsesing Ontario is the small village where I was born. Moved to a nearby town when I was two yrs. old. Still live here.
I have had MBC for 6yrs. now although, my breast cancer was present in 2010, Missed on mammograms. Then in 2013 when I fell and bruised my left hip cancer developed there. Then finally a breast biopsy was done confirming cancer. I am fortunate that my cancer is slow growing. It has now progressed after being stable and hence the raditation and new meds, a combination of Fulvestrant and Ibrance.
Cheers, Minesing girl
6 yrs that's amazing that you have done so well for that long. Where are your mets located. I have bone mets, I was dx with mets from the start de Nov. I hope your new treatment get you back to stable or ned. God bless You
I have cancer in the left breast plus two lymph nodes. It moved to my left hip bone. I also have osteoarthritis and evidence of Paget's disease in that hip. Or at least that is the diagnosis. I sometimes wonder. I have four pelvic fractures. They do not cause any problems and I can still walk with a cane and drive my car. I am basically quite fortunate! I do take pain meds to keep me active.
In any case, I was on Letrozole for approx. 5 yrs. and then Tamoxifen until an increase in the breast lumps to 5cm. 15 radiation treatment were ordered and I have been started on Fulvestrant and Ibrance will be added next month. Hoping for good results as this is very expensive and this combination is not, as yet, covered by our provincial government.
Cheers, Minesing Girl
Whatever you use, keep using it for as long as possible. I made the mistake of thinking I didnt need to after so long but boy did I pay for that mistake. It was like I had leprosy, skin just dropping off. It was horrid so keep using and lather it on. Xx
I use calmoseptine cream. You can buy it from Costco for around $5. Every other places sell it for $12.
Aveeno cream. It worked with my skin issues when I had radiotherapy in my initial dx. Also, shower with dove soap. All was suggested by the radiation doc.
Two natural things to try. As suggested aloe Vera, but you could buy an actual plant, break of a couple of inches of one leaf. It’s like a thick liquid inside,, squeeze into your ha d and slather on. It dries fairly quickly and is so much kore effective for all sorts of skin irritations that bought processed gel. Also, depending on where you live, you might be able to buy a high quality emu oil. I know it sounds weird ( it comes from a particular fat pad on the back of their body ) and does have a bit of a weird smell But it is so worth it because it has proven to be very effective at soaking deep into your skin and having healing properties. I used it, though I didn’t have a bad burn, and felt it helped. Good luck with it all and hope it heals well quickly
Use pure aloe and it will heal beautifully. My Mothers skin burned early and deeply in her treatment. The radiation nurse brought in plants from her garden, and said to put it on 2 hours before treatment, as soon as getting home post treatment, and then every few hours. She said she wished she had mentioned it before Mom started treatment, that if you start using it a couple of days before treatment begins, there is no or very little burning to deal with. A little gel goes a long way. Mom's skin was back to normal within 3 days, and there was no more burning as treatment went on. When we ran out of plants, I bought the large leaf in the produce department of the grocery store. I stripped and mashed the gel, then froze it in ice cube trays. Each morning I would pull out 1 cube, which was plenty for the day. I still keep it on hand, as Mom has become an aloe fan for any skin issues.
I have very pale sensitive skin that burns very quickly. I was warned that it would be more prone to burning than other people. I used aloevera gel immediately after each radiotherapy session and if the skin felt tight, and I used rosehip oil morning and night. The rosehip oil is supposed to be rich in vit C which is anti-inflammatory- don't know if that is true but it worked for me.
The radiotherapy nurses also had some highly moisturising cream, so it might also be worth contacting your radiology department to see if they can give you anything.
I continued with the regime for several months after I finished treatment and use factor fifty if my skin is going to be exposed to the sun whatever the time of year. I don't use soap or body wash on the area that was irradiated either.
I had extreme burns after my radiation in 2013. Almost towards the end, my doctor FINALLY prescribed 1% silver sulfadiazine cream; I burned so bad I stopped at 30 rads instead of 32 because I told them I did not want to end up in the burn unit; it was THAT BAD. This cream immediately gave relief, stopped the pain and itching and brought healing, it was a life saver. <3 God bless you and heal us all in Jesus name, amen!
Coconut oil!
This is what I used and my skin was spared the burnes. Highly recommended.
Udder balm
I used aloe plant & Lubriderm.