I was recently diagnosed with stage IV metastatic breast cancer. I am a mother of 4 and wife of 22 years. This news devasted me and our family to say the least. We are a family of faith and believing in Gods healing and long life. I would love to hear stories of other survivors. I know I'll be blessed by yours. I'm committed to fight this and live the long life I deserve.
Recent Metastasic Stage IV Breast Cancer - SHARE Metastatic ...
Recent Metastasic Stage IV Breast Cancer

Morning Rochelle,
I was diagnosed after the birth of my first baby in February 2018. I was 35 years old.
Big shock to say the least. Was only diagnosed by chance after my appendix burst and surgeons noticed my liver was full of tumours. My child was 13 days old at the time.
Personally, I don’t think it gets any easier. The feelings of sadness and despair don’t go away, but they burrow deep down instead and pop their ugly head up every once and a while.
You learn to deal with these feelings better over time. You will also learn to laugh again and you will have lots of goods times again thankfully. You will eventually stop living in the past and present and start looking forward to the future.
Try to look at MBC as a chronic illness, rather than an incurable disease. It’s something we have to live with . . . hopefully for many many years to come 🤞🏻
Thank you so much for sharing. God Bless you
That was so beautifully put into words ❤️ With your response #moon-and-stars. #RochelleR we are firm believers in the lord as well . We have been in church all our livesIt’s such so heartbreaking I know most of the members of this group are the ones diagnosed as my mom is also my fiancé got diagnosed with stage 4 aggressive Prostate cancer that has spread locally to his lymph nodes in his groin his stomach and his bottom area he got diagnosed about three months before my mom so I had already been through all of the scans and testing for one and then went right into the next with my mom it’s been a very hard journey this past six months. prostate cancer that has spread locally to his lymph nodes in his groin his stomach and his bottom area he got diagnosed about three months before my mom so I had already been through all of the scans and testing for one and then went right into the next with my mom it’s been a very hard journey this past six months My mom knows nothing about electronics or the internet she is old school😀, so I joined this page bc everyone has such good information and is so supportive! I have dealt with so many different Elements in my life as well my daughter had a near drowning at age 3 at our local YMCA she is now almost 11 she had also got the EBV virus which they are associating/currently researching the link between The EBV and autoimmune disease lupus which her dad was diagnosed with in 2008!
My 15-year-old son was born deaf we didn’t find out till he was almost 3 years old so we went through a lot and he actually has a Cochlear implant and one hearing aid. Now I will say overall that has probably been the most struggle ever thus far. Fighting The schools just to get him the education he needs attorneys advocates the list goes on . I would like to say I appreciate everybody on here you all are all supportive and amazing God Bless!!
God Bless you Amy. You story is so powerful. I'm not giving power to the sicknesses and setbacks in your life. I'm giving power to the strength GOD has instilled in you to weather through this all and press on. You and your family are in my prayers. It's clear you are the mold. Continue to have faith. The Lord doesn't run short of healing or miracles ❤
I was diagnosed January 2018. Prior to that I was diagnosed stage 2 in 2016 - the day before my wedding. We have 4 kids. I’m now 47 years old. Found the breast cancer cells on a Pap smear after irregular bleeding. Then the scans and dark thoughts started. But I didn’t stay dark...it’s ok to fall down emotionally but you have to get up.
I found hope in reading 2 books Spontaneous Healing and Radical Remission. I tried a hypnotist visit—talked to the cancer and tried to redefine its role in my life. I did some IV therapy like high dose Vitamin C. And for about 4-5 months was walking a mile everyday.
I’ve been on 3 hormone therapies that failed out the gate. I had molecular sequencing done and I have a gene amplification of FGFR which makes me resistant to hormone therapies. I was just part of a trial for targeted therapy that failed. Will start chemo next Tuesday.
The pathology of my tumor has also changed through year. Started w 90% ER and 70% PR. Now I’m 50% ER and 1% PR. So we may take a hybrid approach between hormone positive and TNBC.
I know there are still a lot of combinations out there. I say stage 4 is a chronic disease that has to be managed. Surround yourself w positive stories. If you have faith, remember how God pulled you through in the past.
Welcome. Sorry we meet this way. 🤗
That one sentence “you have to get up” says it all. If you want to live your life, you’ve got to keep getting up! I might tattoo that somewhere.
I was diagnosed in March 2018 after having my original cancer in 2010. I have lots of mets to my bones and was diagnosed after t10 and 12 compression fractures. I still have back pain and am on pain meds for it. My scans already show no evidence of disease (NED) after just this short time on Ibrance. I do what my docs tell me to do and I try to have a very positive outlook because I really think it helps your body fight this. My doc has told me I can have 10-20 good years so I’m going for 20. Meanwhile I celebrate the new normal good days and try to get past the bad days, which for me are the days I feel really exhausted, as fast as I can. Good fluid intake and getting enough sleep are priorities. My friends all know and I spend time with the positive ones. I don’t know how old your kids are, but they can help when you are exhausted. My cancer and future death are not things I talk about with my 4 grandkids who are 4-8 years, but they know I have it and the older ones are more careful around me and save me chairs at their games but we always have fun together. I just don’t hopscotch or do somersaults! Keep staying positive and loving your life and your kids. This is a chronic disease that most of us are living with and plan to live with for a long time! Elaine
Welcome! I believe we have all been devastated by this disease amd we all pull together to support each other! This site is a true blessing. Love, Ma
Support is everything! Agreed😊 God Bless you
hi 🎀 this group is the maximum 💕🌺
In August I was diagnosed with breast cancer metastasis in the bone of my hip. In 2010 I had right radical mastectomy. Always take care of me But the cancer came back On this occasion I had radiotherapy and now I use the "combo" Ibrance, Letrozole, Falsodex and Xgeva. I am 50 years old and have 3 adult children and we are very close. I have a lot of faith that we will all win this battle. Anything you want to know or share this wonderful group will always support you 💕🌺
Sorry you have to join us here. This group is really great with sharing that helps each of us pull through whatever day we are having. There is so much courage, strength and kindness here. Welcome. Keep the faith in the fight💕
Thank you for sharing Sandra. God Bless you. Yes! Let's fight this beast together! In Jesus name.
Bless you RochelleR, continue to be positive, never stop praying even when it gets tough. You will find good support here. Some days you may feel like crying, that's ok too. I was diagnosed August 2017, been on treatment since then. Whatever it is that you may go thru, there most likely be someone here going thru the same thing. God bless--
Me too, Amen
Rochelle, I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm sorry it happens to any of us. Original cancer diagnose in 2013. Stage 4 July 2017. I'm also a believer and pray for everyone on this site. Not by name but God knows.
I know that initial hurt. People and families planning vacations, outings, upcoming holidays, and we're afraid to plan anything. I've been very positive but never could have gotten through what I have without God. I feel him holding me. With my initial diagnosis I had 12 surgeries because of all kinds of complications. When stage 4, I also had to have a hip replaced because a Dr that was doing a bone biopsy fractured my hip. Prior to having cancer I had 2 hip replacements, a knee replacement and I have a downer bone along with rods and screws holding my back together. I have a degenerative bone disease. God has brought me through so much. Keep the faith. Lean on him. Talk on here and get it out if you need to. You're in my prayers. This is the longest post I've ever written.
i try to look at the "glass half full" view. So many are taken so young from all kinds of injuries and unexpected illness ... I CAN SEE MY ENEMY to fight! I thank God for that! I also thank Him for all the things He has already brought me through; He never said we wouldn't have battles, but He said WE ARE OVERCOMERS! I'm so very sorry this has happened to you, and it sounds like you're not very old. I'm 65. Thank God we live in the age of therapies and things that work to give us hope and longer life. israeli scientists are even saying they will totally irradicate cancer by 2020! Google 'mu-ta-to' i'm shooting for 120 myself, that's what God originally said we'd get, 120 years! i figure shoot for the moon and the earth will be thrown in <grin>. Gen. 6:3 Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”
I had invasive ductal bc {4 cm) in 2013 ER pos; lumpectomy and radiation; then scooted along symptom free until 2019 problem free; they never offered any markers, etc. or follow-up CT's by the way. I only found out about the bone mets getting my shoulder x-rayed due to hurting my rotator cuff! Now i take letrozole once a day and haven't been offered ibrance yet, but I'm thinking it will be too expensive so I will cross that bridge when I get to it. My doc put me on calcium and vitamin D3 as well. 1,000 mgs. of calcium a day, and I split the dose as I read the body can only handle 400 to 500 mgs. at a time and the rest is sluffed off. SHALOM to you! it doesn't mean only peace in case you didn't know. SHALOM is all encompassing! health, wealth, you name it ... be blessed above measure and healed from the top of your head to the soles of your feet in the unstoppable name of Jesus Christ, amen! <3
Thank you so much! God Bless you. Your post has inspired me! Standing firm on the word of Jesus Christ is everything to me! I am 42 years old and still have a FULL life to live and will! 120 sounds like a great goal! Lol. Stay Blessed
hmmmmm ... Nike! who knew? not me ... I really enjoyed reading this and hope it blesses you as well! <3 gotquestions.org/Bible-over...
Hi Rochelle!
Praying for God’s healing upon u and all of us! I’m 3 years in and having faith that God still has a plan to use me and this test as a testimony! 🙏🏻💕
I’m sorry to welcome you Rochelle. You will find support and ideas here. I’ve been on Ibrance since June 2018 and my tumor markers dropped from over 300 to 60. Like you, I was crushed by the diagnosis. I continue to exercise which helps my mind. I found free guided meditation apps on my smartphone that I use daily to stop my mind racing. I’m on an antidepressant called Celexa. I also use a CBD tincture at night. I’m using all these tools which help with stress. My husband and I are visiting Tuscany with friends in April. I continue to embrace my life. respectfully suggest you consider controlling who you share this news with. I shared it only with family and my very closest friends. I learned when I had my first diagnosis in 2004 that many folks can’t handle the news especially if it’s shared face to face. It made me feel worse. Some folks seem surprised you’re still upright. I will be more public if/when it transitions. You need to respect how you choose to manage this and not second guess yourself. Hang in there!

Thank you Marthasvineyard for sharing and such sound advice. God Bless you
Welcome! I was diagnosed stage 4 in Jan of 2016 with bone Mets. When I look back onit now, I honestly don’t know how I got through the 1st few months, especially since at that time I went vegan and gave up alcohol. I remember walking through the grocery store and wanting to just collapse, kick and scream about what had become of my life. But 3 years later I’m doing well, ibrance and letrozole are working and my life is very normal. My heart goes out to everyone on this site but omg, how I feel for the newly diagnosed....... if you can keep getting up I promise you everyday it will get a bit better ❤️❤️❤️
I also agree with Martha’s Vineyard about controlling who you tell, at the beginning my husband and I kept it to ourselves, as time went by I realized I didn’t want anyone else to know. I had to accept it myself before dealing with other people’s grief, reactions, expectations etc, so I still haven’t told anyone. 😃
I was diagnosed with MBC in 2009. My kids were all in elementary school. My kids are all grown except for one who is 15! Having faith and a positive attitude does make a difference. My family is a very "funny" family and we joke a lot. Just live your life and rest in your faith! Prayers for you and your family!
Hi Rochelle,
I hope you find this site and all these wonderful women, and men, to be as much a support as I have for this past year. It is late and I am not going to tell you my whole story right now. I will say that I was in remission for 20 years for stage 3 BC and then stage 4 in the fall of 2017. I have been with NED for close to a year already. I have different ideas than some here but I do what I feel right for me. I am also a person is strong failth and is a part of my daily being and family life. I suggest you look into a few things. Look into tapping, energy work, youtubes on deep breathing. I have come to understand the energy that which God has created to make our solar system actually work, can be used to help our bodies heal. This sounds hokie but I have found in my gratefulnes for my many blessings while doing my energy work and deep breathing as well as my tapping has been hugely beneficial. Diet changes and intermittent fasting also become a pleasing lifestyle change. Wow!! So much to think about. Don't forget laughter. Your cells respond well to laughter and they don't know the difference between real or fake laughter.
I have found that journalizing helps. I have great insighful ideas, especially when I wake in the morning! I am toying with organizing them and publishing it as a "wit and wisdom" book if I make it long enough to do so. On the other hand, I do get depressed. and often. I try telling myself that I am having a"reaction", as depression is deemed to be chemical in part, and the mood will pass. Usually it does.
Dear Rochelle, sorry to hear of your breast cancer dx. I also am newly dx. with mets breast cancer. It has been a month now. I take one day at a time. Sometimes it is an hour at a time, and sometimes a minute by minute.