Hope you all don’t mind me unloading this .. but the last couple of days I have been really sad and scared.. yet I’m physically feeling very good , I don’t Understand ....it’s coming up on a year since my dx...sorry....alil messed up ...can’t let the fear Win !!!!
Sad for no reason☹️: Hope you all don’t... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Sad for no reason☹️

Hi Jtgmom,
You have no reason to apologise. We are all faced with a difficult diagnosis, so it is normal to have days of feeling down, coping with fear and anxiety about the future. You did the right thing mentioning your feelings. I hope that you soon feel better. Just remember that you are not alone. Your feelings are normal, not in any way irrational.
All the best,
Sophie x

Thank you for such KIND words❤️❤️ I Don’t like feeling this way...it’s like a mind game , my body feels good, but I have Cancer !!!!...☹️
You're welcome! I understand what you mean. If I dwell on it for too long I sometimes feel like I am going to be overcome by it, so I try to replace the negative thoughts with positive. I focus on how there are treatments available that are really effective in helping us. Things have come a long way since my mum had cancer back in 2003-2004. I am also happy to have the love and support of family and friends. I hope you have lots of personal support too. x

Sorry I had this pity party..I have faith in God... he’ll see us through.. give us strength, give us life... bless you 😊
You have nothing to be sorry for! None of us asked for this disease. I have faith too and that helps carry me through. We must believe in better times ahead! There will be a cure for us someday. Some have already been cured, so it isn't just wishful thinking.
Hey .. I know how you are feeling. I am in thesameboat.. Feeling down and still in denieal about it all..I have my melt downs ..Very hard as i live by my self as a lot off us do these days. I am in a group to go every Wednesday to minglevwith others like u and myself .. Its a day from it all ..we play cardsand do craftsand they serve us a light lunch and they have meditation classes ..
Please don’t think you’re sad for no reason or it’s just you and your mind. Most people don’t have to get up every morning and deal with the fact they have incurable cancer. It’s winter, the end of the holidays, and your cancer anniversary. It’s not you, it’s this d@mn diagnosis. Talk nice to yourself and do something nice. I had a nice pedicure the other days. Get therapy if you need to hash this out. I do and it helps. It is very normal for us to have dark moments. The thing is to get help when you need it and not to stay down too long. I also find planning for something in the future helps. I plan a vacation and spend a year researching the details. Great therapy. I have also forced myself to be more social. I love to nap and read when I’m off from work, but that can also be an excuse to isolate myself. I hope you find your way back to a better place soon.
Sorry you feel so sad.but I agree sometimes when it is quiet and my mind starts roaming I too feel sad inside. Then I try to pinch myself to stop and remember I am here with my family.
Hope you feel better soon.
Maybe it's something in the air...I'm feeling exactly the same today. I'm also feeling pretty good and doing well with my meds, just feel meh. Sad, tired - maybe I'm sad because I'm tired. Anyway, I know just how you're feeling. I find this does happen occasionally. Good days and bad days. Let's hope tomorrow is better.
I’m feeling the same way. I have an appointment with the oncology psychiatrist next week and I’m hoping he can help.

I hope you find some peace with all of this ❤️❤️ I talk my 3 dogs out and play. Helps a lot 🐾🐾🐾
I totally understand. O get that way many days too. Normal for what we are going through. I find it passes and I get my second wind. It's part of the rollercoaster. End of holidays which is a let down and also I think your one year anniversary. Don't appologise it goes with the territory. That's what this site is here for thank God. We get it! Love Marianne
I think what your are feeling is normal. I too feel good physically but some days I feel sad too. I just try and go with them for awhile and then try and remember all I have to be grateful for and move on. Sometimes easier said than done. Sending good thoughts your way. 💕😊😊
I just passed my first year annivesary right before Christmas and I felt exactly the same way. What I analyized was that the time frame brought such emotional pain memories from the original diagnosis of MBC and believing at that point that I had a little time left with my family. Well, I've made it a bit over a year, feeling good, so we will see. I find right now I am pretty tired and feeling beat up physically. But, some of it is the anxiety of knowing I have to have my scans done this month or next. I get mine done every 6 months but in my 7th month now. I did not want to deal with this during the holidays. Now, I am trying to figure out scheduling around my prolia shot and having my eyebrows micribladded this week. Anyone done this while on meds, etc.? I think your saddness is VERY normal with these times in mind. This too will pass. Tap through it if you can.
Guess there's not an answer or explanation for every mood or situation, however, for whatever reason you're dealing with MBC . Most times, you can handle the associated emotions, sometimes the realization of your condition overwhelms. I suppose your mind eventually adjusts. I have maintained a close relationship with my oncologist and when some new pain or discomfort becomes apparent, I will get in touch fast. I have his mobile number and he's encouraged me to use it. I find this forum therapeutic simply by giving people an outlet to share feelings. Answers aren't always available. Sometimes having compassionate listeners is all we can expect. Please know I am thinking of you.
Thank you for such encouraging words.. I plan on kicking this Cancers A$$.... ❤️❤️
I hope you are feeling better by now. All the wonderful women here have written such nice words. I too go through such low phases and when I accept it as a phase that will pass, I start feeling better. Try finding a creative outlet or learn something new, it helps me. Be with positive people , your friends or whoever uplifts you and you would definitely feel much better. Sometimes, deep breathing too helps.
You're had lots of great feedback, so not much else to say except I'm another person who totally understands. After my stage 4 diagnosis I thought that was it. I made changes in my life to eliminate as much negative stress as possible. I lead a somewhat isolated life, but that works for me! My husband still works full time and might for awhile because of our need for private health insurance. We also have dogs and they are my constant companions ❤❤❤
Even though I am home all the time I stay busy. It helps to keep the mind occupied. Every day I do something productive. Not always housework, lol. It works for me. Although I have my moments, I don't dwell on the cancer because I do not think i could function if I did. Between treatment, living well, spiritually taking care of myself and family support I am doing everything I possibly can. The rest is in God's hands.
BY THE WAY, I was diagnosed with stage 4 mets to left lung FOUR years ago! I have been on Ibrance/letrozole since march 2015 with NO disease progression. Ifeel very blessed to be doing so well!
God Bless yo
You sound so much like me !!!! I’m glad you are doing so well.. it helps me...all the responses help...i’m Trying to live my life with little to no stress!!! I have always been a worrier, but realize now it’s not healthy for me....my husband and son are great strength for me also.. but I find my sanity here !!!!thank you for such kind words❤️ (((( hugs)))).