I have heard about NED but i have no idea what it is thanks
NED: I have heard about NED but i have... - SHARE Metastatic ...

According to Sloan Kettering's website, "Remission or No Evidence of Disease (NED)
are terms that indicate that the signs and symptoms of cancer are no longer present. However, it is possible that cancer cells may continue to exist in the body at a level at which current testing methods cannot detect. These terms mean the same thing as Complete Remission."
Thanks We all want NED
I have been neds since April 5, I have had 2 scans and my doc say I'm in remission he didn't say neds. Funny thing is since all I have been thru I dnt know what normal is or how to be normal. I still cry and have bad days. I keep telling myself I'm in remission, it's hard to not think about mbc.
Kduck that is great news, you should feel some relief I am sure. Not sure if you continue on Ibrance in this case. Let us know what your dr tells you. May I ask when was your diagnosis when you were first diagnosed with breast cancer.
I was dx right off mbc, total shock. I did ibrance for 4 months and radiation for 4 months, April 5 I was in remission. I have bone mets only. I do monthly injections as well. My doc took me off ibrance once I went into remission. I really dnt know how to feel. I still take monthly shots. I feel good, still dnt sleep well. My mind wonders a lot. I'm back at work full time. My doc feel I'm going to stay in remission for yrs. I truly hope that's the case. God bless, hoping everyone gets neds.
If someone get to neds do they continue with ibrance? Just take monthly injections
I am so glad to see your post. I had no idea what it was either but I learned from this site and see that others have already posted. Praying we all get to be NED!!
I had only heard of NED since my diagnosis. I had no idea what it was before then! I had heard of "remission" of course, but the term NED was new to me. I am hoping I will soon hear my oncologist tell me the same thing!