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Crying toward end of ibrance

marianne88 profile image
25 Replies

Hi. I’m heading to the end of my first ibrance treatment and I’m wondering if anyone cry’s a lot. I can’t stop.

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marianne88 profile image
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25 Replies
Kats2 profile image


Do you think it’s the Ibrance causing these crying jags or do you think it’s the “whole picture” that’s getting you down?

It IS depressing, the situation we’re in. You’’ve got a lot of company in that department!

I would bring this up to your Oncologist for discussion. Maybe you can take something to lift your mood a bit.

I was never on Ibrance but may be starting soon as I’m getting too many side effects with Afinitor and Aromasin.

Hang in there. Don’t ignore your crying though. It needs to be addressed. Hoping you’ll feel better soon. Warm wishes, Kats2

marianne88 profile image
marianne88 in reply to Kats2

Hi. Maybe it is but I️take adivan and Zoloft. I️ just hate being tired all the time. I️ am usually such a happy person. I️ will bring it up to dr. Thanks so much 😘

Partia profile image
Partia in reply to marianne88

I am starting my 16th cycle and it has never done that to me.

Kats2 profile image
Kats2 in reply to marianne88

Hi again marianne88,

Glad you’re taking something to help you. The medicines we’re on DO make us tired, sometimes more fatigued than other times. You have to roll with the punches and take those naps, lighten your work load either at home or elsewhere, and get to bed at a decent time. Also try to eat nutritious food and take a good multi- vitamin.

I know for myself that I definitely am doing less than I used to because of the tiredness. I fought it off a good time, but paid the price by being either in more pain, or being more tired. I’m slowly learning to slow down.

Fighting cancer requires a lot from your body. Try to pamper it a bit. Get out of the house and just enjoy a little walk in nature. Enjoy sitting on a bench and watching the birds flit about, or whatever scenery is in your area that you enjoy.

Do small things that make you happy, just don’t overdo! That’s what’s dragged me down a lot: thinking that I was the same exact way I was before the BC came. I’m still learning. You will too. Give it time. You’ll get to know your new normal.

Best wishes, and stay in touch!


MaryJ-S profile image
MaryJ-S in reply to Kats2

Hi Kats2,

How long were you on the Afinitor? Did your oncologist lower your dose at all?

I, too have been on Afinitor and wondering how other Oncologists handled the side effects.



BeckyHobson profile image

Hi Marianne 💖. Awww the tears...

Went my recurrence was diagnosed I cried a lot. I think it is so much for us to absorb all at once. Crying is good they say? I have never been a crier just not my thing-I put up a big front lol

At first I would cry when I napped or was alone but as time went on I found it helpful to include my husband and grown daughter in my cryfesfs. They are actually helpful with advice and kind words or to at least change my mind into thinking a happy thought.

Now-I will randomly and I do mean at the most random times get all weepy?? Just like a huge flood of emotion comes over me and I just need a good cry to get it out of system. Then I pull my big girl pants on and carry on. It doesn’t seem to have any rhyme or reason as it relates to the medications. I too take Celexa and Lorazapam. I’ve been on Celexa since my first go around 18 years ago.??

marianne88 profile image
marianne88 in reply to BeckyHobson

Thank you so much for responding to me. It makes me feel better knowing I’m not alone. How long have you been MBC and where is it

BeckyHobson profile image
BeckyHobson in reply to marianne88

Diagnosed with STAGE 4 MBC May 2016. I had/have. a tumor that grew back under my implant on my chest wall where I had previously had my first round of breast cancer in 1999. Mastectomy/chemo/radiation and tamoxifen then years symptom free. In 2015 I started losing feeling in the left side of my face and jaw?? After not giving up and convincing the docs that I wasn’t nuts, I finally got to an oral surgeon that biopsied my jaw bone that tuned out to be a huge area of bone mets. I’m back with my original oncologist and the mets were found in my skull, spine T7-T11 and several ribs. Had radiation to my jaw and spine which zapped away the spine stuff and jaw. Will never regain feeling in my jaw but that’s ok and my back rarely hurts anymore. So grateful for Ibrance and Letrozole and Family and Friends and my Faith and and and....

I wish you the same long term success of this drug cocktail👍

marianne88 profile image
marianne88 in reply to BeckyHobson

Wow you have had a lot and you seem to be doing well. That’s awesome. How long did it take to get it all under control

BeckyHobson profile image
BeckyHobson in reply to marianne88

I’d say the first 6 months were the worst and beyond that it just became my new way of life. I think the toughest part for me at this point is when people say “you look so great, so glad you beat it. You are all done right?”

And I have to burst their bubble with the evil truth that no I didn’t beat anything? I will die with this disease. Hopefully not from it but definitely will have it.

People are people and don’t deal well with facts sometimes I guess. I just wish they would it at “you look good and glad you are doing so well”

See what you have to look forward to? 😛

dreamboatannie profile image
dreamboatannie in reply to BeckyHobson

I was in denial for 9 years until I realized it doesn't just go away it must be constantly managed and monitored. That's when I had to start on Ibrance and got very weepy on week 3. Ibrance or end of denial??

Have-faith profile image
Have-faith in reply to dreamboatannie

9 years! This is inspiring. Maybe not for you, but for me - very.

hdhonda profile image
hdhonda in reply to Have-faith

Me too. Blessings Hannah

hdhonda profile image
hdhonda in reply to BeckyHobson

I feel exactly the same way. Thanks for sharing. Blessings Hannah

JonaC38 profile image
JonaC38 in reply to BeckyHobson

Hi BeckyHobson,

I am new to this site and trying to get inspiration on how to continue with life having MBC acquired during pregnancy of my first and last child towards end of 2017. Had mastectomy before I gave birth thru c-section, radiation for bone mets and started ibrance and letrozole July2018. Your story gives me hope to stay alive till my son can be independent and probably me growing old. I am turning 39 this year 2019. I would like to ask you on how long you’re taking ibrance with letrozole? My oncologist told me I will take this combo till it is working, how about you? I really appreciate all the info here.


Have-faith profile image
Have-faith in reply to JonaC38

Stay positive. New treatments are being researched everyday!!!

hdhonda profile image
hdhonda in reply to JonaC38

I am on my 33rd month and doc says I will stay on it as long as it works. I wish you and your baby the best. Blessings Hannah

Peggypilot profile image
Peggypilot in reply to BeckyHobson

Wow Beckey, I have been on celexa for years too. First diagnosed in 1997 and had the works. I take the antidepressants to counteract estrogen loss due to treatment. I just switched to Wellbutrin….not sure how well it is working as I seem to have more down days. I was told the celexa stops being effective after multiple years. Any thoughts?

Ps103-BTLOMS profile image

I am just ending my 3rd cycle with Ibrance & Femara. I've had a dramatic drop in my tumor marker score. No crying but get very agitated more easily. I was started on Duloxetine in the hospital for nerve pain relief (plus has some anti-depressant effects) to help w/ bone mets & fracture pain. I suspect it might be making me more anxious though. Of course dealing with cancer, doctors, appts., side effects, insurance... plus regular life can all be anxiety making.

Hihif profile image

I cried the first month when I went off of Palbaciclib. It was 3 or 4 times. Usually, don’t cry at all in a whole year. Waiting to see what happens when I go off it for my second cycle.

M2PLFighter profile image

I cry all the time at the moment and I am on my 3rd month of ibrance. I think for me its the reality of the situation rather than the pills. I think the day of the Faslodex injections I do seem to be more emotional too.

I do take meds for depression (even before I had this reoccurrence) and that to me makes a HUGE difference. Maybe mention it to your dr how you are feeling to see if that may help you.

Big hug,


Terilyn12 profile image

Oh yes!!! So frustrating but the last week, I can cry at anything. My poor husband - I tell him to just ignore me 🥰 ... the other times of the month, I am ok so I feel like it is just the wear it has on our bodies

lynzer profile image

Yup, I do cry very easily and it seems to be either the falsodex, ibrance or luperon OR all of the above! After all, they are all hormone therapy treatments so it makes sense. Plus luperon pushes me quickly through menopause so I blame it all on the drugs and stress.

It seems that stress triggers it all so when I feel like crying, I do and I feel better. I reach out to someone to talk to and then I do yoga and meditation. These are all great coping mechanisms that work for me so maybe try em! What you’re feeling is pretty normal.

Also keep reaching out here when you feel that way, it also helps a lot!

Good luck and go easy on yourself, you’ve e been through a lot!

Xo Lynn

Livinthedream profile image

My first two cycles of ibrance i was a hot mess! Crying off and on most everyday! Your not alone! I think some of my issues were progression but mostly the ibrance made me feel as if i was loosing my mind!

Still am struggling, hoping your next month will be better.

All the best

Dflu profile image

Yes Ibrance does heighten my emotions... sometimes not for the best!

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