Hey folks, I'm new here and pasted below is my diagnosis & treatments. I'm 60 and am currently taking 1mg of Anastrozole (aromatase inhibitor) daily for my ER+ HER2- stage 2 breast cancer since 4/22. Completed active treatments w rads at the end of May 2022. I suffered from depression pre-treatment & have been diagnosed & been on meds etc, but I tapered off all psy meds 1.5 years ago (they didn't help) but I've noticed a big change now & not sure if it's just a combined effect of a bunch of bad personal stuff (long story) and cancer as well as maybe the drug or what. Yes, I have a psychiatrist and therapist, but they just point to the hellscape that's my life, but I really want to hear from other people. I do intend to continue w the aromatase inhibitor & would rather not switch to a different one at present.
According to the nurse at my onco's office, depression is a potential side effect (duh...) but their office doesn't seem to have that many folks w that issue, and certainly not like...in a clinical major depression not dressing or bathing for weeks(more or less). She said I can go off it for 2-3 wks & see if I feel better, and if so, then we can talk about switching meds, but I don't want to do that for several reasons, including, I don't even know if one could expect a bounce after going off for such a short period, and sadly, neither did she.
So folks, anyone have this issue/side effect? If you did, did you have a pre-existing depression or psychiatric diagnosis such as depression or bipolar etc and notice things getting worse w the drug? Whether you suffered from depression or other psychiatric diagnosis before OR if you did not, what did you do to treat the issue? Take a break? Switch meds? Try an antidepressant & if so which ones? Try a different class of drug?
Thanks so very much for reading all of this and I really look forward to your responses. Calista
PS The details of my diagnosis etc don't seem super relevant, but just in case here it is: Stage 2 ER+ Her- mixed ductal lobular invasive carcinoma Surgeries: 9/21 bilateral mastectomy & expander placement; 11/21 axillary lymphemectomy complete; 3/22 expanders to implant surgery; 4 rounds of TC chemo; Proton therapy radiation 5.6 wks (28 sessions) completed May 2022.