So often I hear people refer to themselves as Cancer survivors or practicing survivorship but as a Metastatic Breast cancer patient I am at a loss as to what I am. I won't survive this as at some point there won't be any treatments left. I guess it is silly to even wonder about.
What do I call myself: So often I hear... - SHARE Breast Canc...
What do I call myself

I kind of like the term used as a meta-survivor. We have mets and we're still here giving it all we have.
You're a cancer soldier. Call yourself Amazing. Strong. Resilient. Wonderful.
Good Morning and I am sure the only name that most of us mothers want to hear and go by is that precious word " mom" - Mover Of Mountains, and that is what mom 's do. There are days that feel like we have the mountains to climb, but we do it for our kiddos for as long as we can.
After all you've been through, I think you've earned the right to call yourself anything you want! Surviving breast cancer...battling breast cancer...a warrior. Keep on rocking!
Why do u need a label? We are living with cancer and the key word is living!!!! I have come to u derstand that as we age we all live with some battle. Just live !!!
I don't think it is silly at all to think about this! Ultimately, we are highly unlikely to "survive" this lousy rotten cancer! And I don't like war/fight/battle terms because I don't see death as ultimate loss but as transition..... I think of myself as living with mbc or surviving with mbc and I think of it as a journey, a journey often thru mine fields. But I've been living with MBC for over 13 years and it strikes my as very funny that I've been "terminal" for this long! I have made a point to find every little bit of humor in this that I possibly can. I also avoid any terminology for cancer or images of it that give it power! I picture it as a colorless limp wimpy thing that I can put fences around.
The way I see it is that "Cancer is living WITH us," and NOT "We're living with Cancer." (Putting it the second way gives the disease too much power. )
A reverse of the phrase gives US the power! And power we need!
That's the way I'll continue to view my situation. Hopefully, the cancer "living with us" may get tired and decide to take a hike!
Perhaps we can live in harmony with each other for many many years. That would be the best case scenario, and for many of us on this site, that's happening right now.
I like to keep a positive outlook that yes, WE ultimately will survive the cancer. It can go both ways, and I choose to see myself ultimately surviving this disease.
We don't know what the future holds. New treatments abound, targeted therapies, immunotherapy. So much being looked into and researched. Just because we don't see a cure right at this moment doesn't mean it's not a possibility down the road.
Being a religious person, I have faith. I believe that "With God all things are possible."
Best wishes to all! Kats2
Great post!! 13 years a survivor, yes a survivor!! That alone gives hope to so many!!! No labels needed!!!
Sister/Warrior.I am trying to get away from the customary term survivor. I don't see myself hanging from a cliff, by my nails,or the skin of my teeth hoping not to fall, Nor am I worrying and waiting for the guillotine to come down.I see myself as a soldier/warrior/over-comer, with God and me fulfilling our parts. I prefer the title, Over-comer by Gods grace and mercy. I am living life abundantly on this earth, in this physical body, until my final destination, God willing heaven. Those of us who are struggling, may God bless you with strength and peace. What doesn't break you/us will definitely make you/us stronger.Amen!
I also struggle with identifying my situation to others. I have decided if I must name it I will say, "I am a stage 4 metastatic breast cancer patient." I don't think most people understand what that entails, but it works for me. Best wishes.