I am a 52 year old, with 3 full birth children. I have very fibrosictic breasts, with drainage from both nipples (upon expression only, and doc says is glactoria, i know its not spelled correctly but sound it out) I have a swollen lymph node less than 2cm (left breast) and when I raise my arms the nipple pulls in. When I lay on my back and relax my nipple (s) both collapse inward. The ultra sound showed no cancer cells in the lymph node, and so this is where I am questioning everything, The "lump" feels larger and I am noticing some dippling. My doctor seems to get annoyed with me when I bring up the changes and reiterates the no cancer found in the lymph node. I am to the point with this doc, that I no longer bring up my concerns and because I have no health insurance, she feels limited as to being able to help me. I just need some advice. I am trying to get in to see a breast surgeon, but fear I will get the same reaction....I am not loosing weight, I don't have a rash, the doc says everyone has different breast sizes...what do I do????? HELP
Should I get a second Opionon? - SHARE Breast Canc...
Should I get a second Opionon?

I would seek a second opinion.
Definitely get a second opinion. X

While your doctor is correct that everyone has different sized breasts, it would seem he is not listening to your concerns. Trust your instinct and seek a second opinion through a breast center.
Please get a second opinion
Get a second opinion from a breast surgeon
ABSOLUTELY GET SECOND OPINION!! Do not risk the regret that your "hindsight was 20/20." Google for the best breast cancer surgeon in your area; DO NOT WAIT!! God bless and guide you!! XXOO Linda
Absolutely get a second opinion, and sister/warrior I hope/pray you can get some health insurance. coverage. Amen XoXoX
when I had my mastectomy for "in situ" cancer revealed by nipple drainage, all my lymph nodes came out negative. The cancer was not detected by ultrasound, but showed up on an MRI. Since you have no health insurance, you may need a doctor who can provide a payment plan.
I didnt read. All but definatly get second opinion. I never dud. I had. Fibrosistic breast mand later in my 50s. I diagnosed breast cancer. No lumps. Had a masectomy. N never second opinion my reconstructive surgeon. Almos killed me. By. Cutting n sewing infected implants. Im in a drs ofgice now. Just had a nide removed from my ricage. Ok. Wish u the best. N watch drs. A money scam. Pink is a Money scam. Look up rethink pink