hi everyone
I had my genital warts frozen around 3 weeks ago and the warts turned into scabs which came off but now the skin looks pink and it's still not healing. Are there any creams i could use so the pink spots match my original skin color?
hi everyone
I had my genital warts frozen around 3 weeks ago and the warts turned into scabs which came off but now the skin looks pink and it's still not healing. Are there any creams i could use so the pink spots match my original skin color?
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Hi there, 3 weeks is still a very short time and you need to be give some more chance to let this heal. The skin is very good at healing and I'm sure you'll see good results soon. Dr Webberley
I had warts and I had doctors look at it but no one knew anything. So I found an oil to help. It help with any type of skin problem. You can’t find the oil in stores. Only online. You can go to evanschmitt.mymonat.com and look for rejuveniqe oil.