Although intended to help ladies to get more pleasure from solo and group masturbation, I find the work of Betty Dodson and Carlin Ross of interest for me too.
Upgrade Masturbation Technique | Betty Dodson & Carlin Ross (
Although intended to help ladies to get more pleasure from solo and group masturbation, I find the work of Betty Dodson and Carlin Ross of interest for me too.
Upgrade Masturbation Technique | Betty Dodson & Carlin Ross (
I so wish more people would be more open about masturbation and that it's good for our bodies both men and women
So do I. There is a detailed discussion at
I looked at the site and wish there was something like this for males.
A little expensive though!
There might be something of interest to you on this site:
something we all do wether we’re a man or woman. It’s enjoyable to both.
Thank you for all your responses to my post. I thought this might be a good opportunity to compare how we masturbate and learn from each other.
I like to masturbate in several phases at an unhurried, leisurely pace. I take at least half an hour altogether. When watching others masturbate, I notice that they wan work more vigorously on their penises or clitorises than I do on my penis, and less on their bum cheeks and holes. I have the impression that many are in a hurry and are trying to induce an ejaculation when their penis or clitoris is not fully erect. I have found that practising yoga helps, especially with a bum plug.
Please yourself: a very high proportion of my orgasms have been solo; only occasionally have I had help or mutual masturbation with other men or women, in sports changing rooms, on nudist beaches for example.
First is MENTAL PREPARATION. Often I am still wearing my knickers when I start but soon take them off. As early as I can, I try to get penis control (ability to move it up and down and side-to-side without touching it) as soon as possible. I find that this makes my semen start to swill around even before touching my shaft.
IMAGINATION is so important to me. I think about things which arouse me. I get considerable stimulation from visual sources. The Internet gives a wide choice. I find that to get the best effect I have to use my imagination - what is the model likely to be feeling? What might be going through her mind? Visual contact of the woman with the camera can set off a chain of thought in me: her tense smile, flushed cheeks and her nipples reveal her erection, perhaps orgasm.
For me, the senses and my imagination work on the erogenous areas covered by my knickers - my penis, testicles and my bum, both my anus and my cheeks. I have never been greatly aroused by massaging or kissing my nipples, or touching other parts of my body such as my back, ears or neck, although some men are.
Sometimes I can't go through all the stages below: in fact, when I was younger, sometimes I would come to a spontaneous orgasm soon after undressing.
Another method of stimulating an orgasm without touching is this: standing naked, using only the muscles in my bum, I squeeze my cheeks together to stimulate my anus. Taking it all very slowly and gently, I keep squeezing until I have got penis control - ability to move it up and down and side to side without touching - my foreskin in its usual position lodged under the overhang of my knob end. When I can feel my semen swilling around my testicles, I relent from squeezing my bum cheeks to prolong the pleasure. Repeating this until I feel that I want to climax, I continue to squeeze, ejaculate, relax for a few seconds, squeeze, ejaculate .... several times, until all my semen is out for the time being.
I use laxatives to reduce the risk of causing a mess when working on my bum and because being empty seems to make my bum hole more sensitive to fingers or a plug. A sachet of Laxido about once or twice per week is sufficient for me.
I have never been keen on penis-in-bum sex but there are many other kinds of anal stimulation. On nudist beaches and sports changing rooms, for example, as well as on the Internet, I have noticed that many men and women make little use of their arse holes or their cheeks when masturbating. Some work almost exclusively on their penises or clitorises.
I stroke my cheeks and poke my finger up my bum and play with my arse hole (with the usual precautions such as lubricant and no sharp finger nails).. Sometimes I massage my prostate gland just below my bladder on the forward side of my bum hole . As an alternative way of prostate massage, sometimes I rub the area between my testicles and bum hole. When I massage my prostate by either method, my penis becomes very hard, if not already, my semen swills in scrotum, up and down my penis shaft and I can't help but ejaculate. . When I feel it is time to move on, I replace my finger with a bum plug to leave both hands free to stimulate my testicles and penis.
I TRY TO MAKE MY PENIS AS HARD AS I CAN. I always keep this exposed by lodging my foreskin under the overhang. Keeping my foreskin rolled back keeps me erect or nearly so for part of the day. If I need help to harden my erection I squeeze the base of my penis gently to find the locations of the veins draining blood out of it. By restricting the outflow my penis becomes more engorged with blood and hardens.
I stroke my penis shaft and play with the veins at the base to reduce the outflow of blood and to make a harder erection. I FLICK MY FORESKIN FORWARDS AND BACKWARDS OVER MY GLANS. I feel my semen swilling round my testicles, up and down my penis ... I hold back and relax ... my semen returns to my testicle bag ... I play with my prick shaft and knob end ... I repeat this several times (edging) until I can no longer hold back. A burst of ecstasy surges throughout my body ... a surge of spasms makes my bum hole tingle ... I come to orgasm and ejaculate, often 3 or 4 times ... each squirt is followed by a few seconds relaxation, then I come again, and again ...
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