Penis pump and blood thinning medicines. I'm thinking of getting a penis pump but I'm on Clopidogrel and I read it's not advisable to use one if on bloodthinners. Has anyone used one without problems while on these sort of medicines?
Penis pump and blood thinng medicines. - Sensitive Issues ...
Penis pump and blood thinng medicines.

I suppose it becomes more risky if you are over enthusiastic with using the pump.
You risk ending up with your penis in a worse state than now. The clopidogrel reduces the ability of your blood to clot and can lead to bleeds which may destroy penile structures.
Hi there Tryingtosee - great handle!
I’m about 15 months into a 2 year course of ADT (zytiga & prednisone daily, and Lupron every 3 months). Early on I was treated with brachytherapy and a period of daily beam radiation.
I’ve been doing “penile rehabilitation” therapy for the past 9 months. It comprises injecting my penis with “trimix” 1-3 times per week, which causes an erection. It sounds scary but it’s really easy to do, and gives me a solid erection that lasts for around an hour. My doctor had to play with the dosage but I now get more than hard enough for penetrative sex. Although I can’t achieve orgasm, being able to get erect has really helped my and my partner’s sex life. While I’ve suffered most of the side effects of ADT my libido is as strong as ever, which was been very frustrating prior to starting therapy.
The theory behind penile rehab is to provide your penis with a healthy dose of oxygenated blood on a frequent basis. The average “healthy” male gets several erections while sleeping every night. Without a steady supply of oxygen, the corpus cavernosa (the chambers that fill with blood causing an erection) begin to atrophy and you lose the ability to become erect over the long term. It’s also a contributing factor in loss of size.
While pumps are effective in getting an erection they don’t bring a fresh supply of oxygenated blood to your penis. You also usually need to use a band to keep the blood trapped in the penis during sex.
I’m very happy with the results so far. A minor loss in length and girth, but my doctor assures me that this is probably temporary so long as I continue the therapy until I’ve completed ADT. I have noticed shrinkage of my balls due to the lack of testosterone. I’m optimistic that this will reverse itself once my T levels rise to a normal level.
I’ve also been taking a low dose of cialis since I was first diagnosed to encourage my “equipment” to stay healthy while being treated with ADT.
I’m being treated at Sloan Kettering in New York and am really impressed with the quality of their penile rehab program. If you’re interested, their website has a lot of good information about their program.
I hope this is of some help to you, and I wish you every success going forward!