why do men find it hard opening up talking with other guys why do we find it easier just bottling everything up
who am I really?.??: why do men find it... - Sensitive Issues ...
who am I really?.??
I just think guys are brought up to be tough and not show emotions as its portrayed as weak
But times are changing and many guys are not afraid to open up
Exactly what OneJoker wrote. Men aren’t used to sharing feelings, doubts, or anything like that.
I’m the same with my best friend. When we get together it’s mostly cat talk or other manly stuff. We have never shared anything private or attempted to show weakness.
I find it easier to open up now I am older. Maybe a combination of age and having experienced illness both physical and mental?
well there’s a few of us on here who are willing to listen without judgement mate 👍
for me, i have always been looked to to be the strong one with work, wife, family, friends, etc. i am the one that fixes things. i have recently been working with a shaman and opening up my feelings.
That’s an age old question and when you find the simple answer please post so we can all learn something helpful.
Think it is alot to do with fear of being judged. Most of us were probably raised with the idea that showing emotion or opening up wasn't normal for us. Times are changing and I think that mindset is being changed for future generations of men.