Hi I had h/a late oct. done rehab. Had stent but not had follow up from hospital since being discharged .in oct is this right or do I need to chase for appointment.
Follow up: Hi I had h/a late oct. done... - Sudden Cardiac Ar...
Follow up

You were being assessed at each rehab meeting. But if you are concerned though talk to your GP, he can chase your cardiologist for you.
I would chase it I had h/a Boxing Day and got appointment early February but all hospitals are diff I dispose . Best talk to doctor
Hi I had my h/a in early October. I was sent an appt for April within 2 weeks and after 6 weeks was asked back to see whether I needed a 3rd stent. I'm still going to rehab...think you should check. I was given a phone no. for the Cardio ward if I had any questions. Give them a call, can't hurt.
Hi browna1. I had my follow up 6 weeks after my heart attack. Also a cardiac nurse assigned to me at our local gp practice,who I could contact with any worries.Seems to be standard practice where I am. (Northumberland) Wouldn't do any harm to phone, just in case you've been missed.
thank you everybody im trying to get hold of my gp not easy .. hopefully he can help