Had triple bypass in July 2015, after suffering third heart heart attack that I was completely unaware of. Only symptom was shortness of breath which I put down to excess smoking. Daughter made me go to hospital where I was admitted, and told I was having a heart attack, tests revealed this was my third attack. After surgery was let home after seven days, returned to work after seven weeks and am now a none smoking fit fella who feels 21 again, biggest problem I had was problem of leg swelling where vein was harvested. Anyone who is in the early stages of recovery ,trust me it gets easier every day
Recovery: Had triple bypass in July... - Sudden Cardiac Ar...

Isn't it amazing that we have smoked even when we knew it was so bad for us. Thinking all the time that it would never happen to us
Raise the bottom of your bed mattress (a duvet underneath works well) and the leg swelling will usually go
had quadruple by pass Dec 5 2014,during surgery found that lungs are small and i have pulmonary fibrosis.doctors would prefer i dont work but that is not possible.
Thanks your post was helpful to me as I am waiting to have a triple bypass and it's good to hear it from someone who has been there done that. Nervous times ahead thanks again.
I had a triple bypass in April 2015..I was so scared but can honestly say that the waiting was worse than the operation. When I woke up after the surgery I was in no pain at all. I came home after 5 days and did feel very tired in the early days/weeks, but you will get there