I'm fed up of people not understanding how much of a problem this can be!
Anyone else get laughed at by colleag... - Restless Legs Syn...
Anyone else get laughed at by colleagues when explaining why they're so tired?
Hi Bookgirl! My colleauges knew I had sleep apnoea and RLS but it was a background issue until I started taking the Neupro patch. After having to take the 3mg/24h patch the side-effects of extreme tiredness during the day were so bad that I fell asleep in a meeting in front of the boss! He was none to pleased! I was referred to Occy Health and a supportive working environment was set up (as it should be for anyone with a disability). Basically I can have things like fans to blow at me to keep me awake or simply go off for a quick stimulant - or fresh air - break whenever necessary. I came off the Neupro patch and am not so tired as I was. As has been discussed before on this site, many people don't understand RLS, mock us and insult us. Your workmates need a'educatin'... Best wishes, Tpebop, Kent, Britain.
I'm really lucky....my boss has it mildly but his dad has it really bad so he understands! But most people just look at me strangely if I ask if they have heard of it. I tend to just say I have a sleep problem and people can see in my face I haven't slept so I get a bit more understanding!
Lucky for me, i had retired before my RLS became full blown. I also tend to tell people i dont know that i have a sleep problem. Unless they ask me for more details, i just leave it at that. Family and close friends know and understand to some extent, altho if you dont suffer with it, its hard to understand what anyone goes thro with this horrible condition.
Thanks guys. Have started telling people I have a sleep problem now and it seems to be getting much more of a sympathetic response than trying to explain RLS. In other news I got 7 hours sleep last night. Can't believe it - feel so clear this morning!
Yes. I found that just saying 'restless legs' even to colleagues who are friends, evoked a snigger. I don't have an issue with the name RLS, but maybe if it was called something like gaiter mal, or something else, we would get a better response. On the other hand a few have said, 'Oh RLS, I know!' The more information out there the better. We know the night-time horror of sleeplessness: not a laughing matter.