I am taking Requip (2 mg) and Mirapex... - Restless Legs Syn...
I am taking Requip (2 mg) and Mirapex (0.125). Anyone else? If so, side effects? I feel run down all the time. Not sure if it's the meds.

I take Requip 3mg daily - 1mg at lunchtime and 2mg at night. Unfortunately, one of the side effects is sleepiness and I find this comes in waves. I've been taking this for 7yrs and have learnt to cope - it's better than the RLS!!
First can i ask why you are taking two of the dopamine agonist meds...?? just curious... are they working...?
Have you felt run down since taking them. I cant say i have heard of anyone feeling run down...can you explain how you feel.... Requip seems to be the worse one to make you sleepy, not for everyone but for many. Many people find the Mirapex (Pramipexole) works better for them.

I'm realizing that my doctor doesn't know about RLS. He had to look up the meds during our visit. Last night i tried just the Mirapex. So far i feel much better. I think the two are making me feel like a zombie, but i haven't had my "jiggy legs".
hmm, ive read these exact same words last night...they are both Dopamine agonist, its unusualy to have two, so i dont doubt your dragging the next day,im on mirapexin and it works fine for me, i would not take two at once, and requip gave me the worse side effects,
I was on Premipexol, but for some reason my pharmacy cannot source it right now, I am in England, so I am now on requip, it is not as good, I have felt very exhausted and a bit wierd, hard to explain, has anyone else had problems getting Premipexol recently, I don't get the side effects on tha.
I must say it is unusual to take both dopamine meds together, perhaps it is not a good idea.
Good luck, Cazx
In the USA, my chemist has not heard of a shortage. I called
after reading that there are some people over there with the
problem of locating the drug on their schedule..bummer for
you..The requip was a substitution Cazbaz?
Hi Yikes,
Yes the requip is a substitute, I really don't like it, my concentration is terrible, and I keep just falling asleep when I take it, more like losing consciousness really, I have no memory of it, I have been found just staring into space and not responding to anything, I have found my self slumped on my bed fully dressed in the early hours with no idea how I got there.
I will go around other pharmacies and see if I can get an answer, my own don't seem to have any idea why they cant get the pramipexole, seems strange to me.
The requip does stop the urge to move, but I wake in terrible pain, and cannot get back to sleep after I few hours, the pain is indescribable, I can barely walk.
Hope you are well, thanks for checking for me,
I dont like the sound of those side effects you are having on the requip,, we had another member who recently had those side effects taking pramipexole. The suddenly falling asleep is not good. Caz, i would see your doctor and get off the requip and try something else. Have you tried the Neupro Patch...??

Sounds like you definately need to swap meds. I had zombie problems on the requip then it started augmenting and causing me more pain. Along with this it caused personality changes that turned me into a shopaholic. have you tried amitriptyline? Its very good with less side effects.
I havent had any problems getting my Pramipexole, i am due to phone for my repeat tomorrow, so will see what happens.
I will be interested to hear, thanks Ellisse,
Phoned the chemist this morning for my repeat pramipexole prescription, no one has said they cant get them as yet. I should have them delivered to me in two or three days. Will let you know if i get them.

got mine today, no problem
Thank you, I will try, a nother chemist '
Caz, are you taking an over the counter pain pill? Your's is not the first chemist
to not have pramipexole in..I've heard that before recently. I can only imagine
how worried you must be not remembering your night or day or why you do
those things..Can you half or quarter the requip?
Oh my, I hate to hear about all of these crazy chemicals that you are taking. I feel really lucky that I have not been forced into making that decision (yet). And hopefully never will. I continue to have great results using Amacari. This camu camu product has left me with just the sensations of needing to tighten or stretch my muscles. I was watching football this weekend with extended periods of sitting and only had to occasionally tighten my calves, and point my toes to stretch my legs. So it did not 100% eliminate all symptoms, but has made my RLS much more tolerable. (Knock on wood.)
The good news is, my pharmacist called me last week to let me know that he had got the pramipexole back, he had not stopped trying bless him!
I take mirapex and find that once I take my first pill at around 5:30 I start yawing and feeling a bit sluggish. My 8:00 or 8:30 when I take the second I feel tired and usually fall asleep during the early part of the evening. I therefore take two sleeping pills around 11:00p.m. To get me back to sleep so that I wont be totally tired and sleepy duringg the day