I HATE hot weather :0(
Anyone Else Awake And Debating A HAck... - Restless Legs Syn...
Anyone Else Awake And Debating A HAcksaw?
yep me.... rather a chainsaw could be faster ... both arms and legs ggrrrr not due to hot weather though have it everynight ,
hope you get some sleep soon
o............h lol i don't have that problem , make sure he puts ear plugs in next time lol , how does your other half cope with you suffering with RLS ?
hope i do too going nuts...
Yes, this is the second night during this hot spell when I haven't slept at all. It's both legs and arms for me and sometimes tramadol helps although a side effect of tramadol is that it makes me sweat (and how !) so not helpful at all in this weather. Have tried other prescribed medication but not effective. Good luck and hope you get some relief soon.
The heat at night can drive you mad. i know my RLS doesnt like it. I have a standing fan at the bottom of my bed, i usually use it summer and winter.
The last few really hot nights i have had to up it a notch to cool my legs...
I always say every year, this is the RLS busy season. I moderate several online support groups for RLS, and I am really busy this time of year every year. The past 15 yrs have definitely shown a pattern of when the heat index goes up, the level of RLS and new RLSer's goes waaaay up. I HATE the hot weather, and I have not figured out how to make it thru summer and not suffer more in the heat. I depend on my heating pads, so when it is 90' out, can't use them. So, pain levels go up in the heat, too.
I use narcotic pain killers for my RLS. They are the only thing that works for ME.
hard to relax when it is this hot, even with A/C on in the house, it makes a difference what it is like outside.
Oh, and the chainsaw or hacksaw would work for a minute, but then we would have phantom RLS, which is a real thing. how awful is that? Makes me shudder. But, I know the idea has crossed my mind several times in past years. ;o)
yeah i read about the phantom RLS somewhere so not much good using the chainsaw lol , yet another bad night for me not a wink was baking at 4am and im not a cake lover lol neighbours don't mind though ,
What if you actually did it and then had "phantom pain". Bummer
That would certainly be just my luck!!