Hi has anyone purchased massage devices to help with restless legs. If so can anyone give me any experiences with brands etc. They are just so expensive and don't want to throw my money away if they don't workMany thanks in advance
Massage devices do they help for RLS - Restless Legs Syn...
Massage devices do they help for RLS

Didn't stop my severe RLS at all.But some people do say they help.
It may depend on the severity of your RLS.
Not a massage but this therapulse.co.uk Myself and a few others on here have used this , i helped for breakthrough RLS in the night although i left it on all night can be used the day time too If it doesnt work for you can send it back and get a refund they give you two weeks you would know within days if it works
I have a pistol type massage gun.
I find it useful on severe RLS.
Mine from Amazon , but I see them often in Aldi/ Lidl.
I got a Bob n Brad one -Amazon.
Therapulse made my legs worse . Depends on the individual.
Was very easy to return them for a full refund.
Maybe worth a try .
I use Therapulse, wouldn't be without it.
I bought therapulse and found it helpful for a few weeks but then it stopped working for me, no idea why it only worked for a time?????
I have not had any relief from a device that heats/massages by pressure. It felt like my legs were being squeezed tightly and definitely was not pleasant.
I have devices from Novafon and Beurer as well as a TENS/EMS-device. TENS made it worse, EMS helped the first time.
All of them helped once or twice . May be I am using them in a wrong way.
Waste of money like most of the gadgets I bought. Only prescription meds help me. Going to try the Beech band though and will update on here if it's helpful. I so want to do a long flight and have a proper holiday! Currently not able to do and RLS is getting worse over the years.
I have therapulse and a massage mat which I use but I only get relief whilst using them.As soon as I switch them off the rls is back