FERRITIN 89.0 ng/ml Range 22.0 - 322.0
FERRITIN RESULTS: FERRITIN 89.0 ng... - Restless Legs Syn...
That's not too bad. Just keep taking your iron as you have been doing. Ask for a new test in 3 months. You might want to take potassium supplements since it is low.
How are you doing now you are out of pramipexole? Has your doctor started you on anything or come up with a plan yet?
They all seem to be on the low side to me. I have been taking potassium 99mg. everyday already. I stopped my 65 mg iron for the last two weeks to get an accurate reading from the tests. I am in the middle of an episode as I write this. Can't sit still and too tired to relax. What helps a little is alternating hot and cold water on my feet. That's where I'm headed next. It helps for a short while. I still haven't heard from my primary, so I don't know what's next.
Have you considered trying magnesium at all?
I take magnesium glycinate 500mg every day.
Seems that whatever one does to try and fix this is a joke. I just hounded my doctor to do these tests as they are IMPORTANT to do and then I find out they are of little value anyway. Everything about this mysterious infliction is just a catch 22 type of dilemma. Desperate people seeking information from gazillions of wanna be practitioners who know too much about nothing.
I take 275 mg potassium citrate twice a day and I don't even have a deficiency so you might want to up the amount you are taking.
The potassium I take right now is Potassium (from Potassium Acid Complex) I know nothing about what this is. What is a potassium amino acid complex? I'll get some Potassium Citrate if that's what is required. Anything to help this agony.
More on iron blood tests...
I don't see that, but here's another website w/similar info,