Hey - i thought id do an update post and log where im at with my journey of coming off the evil drug Ropinirole.
After being prescribed it and getting up to 4mg augmentation soon set in so I was prescribed pregabalin alongside it that didnt really help.
I told the Dr who is beyond useless and hadnt yet found this place, he told me to come off it over night, i didnt trust him but dropped 2mg and life became hell, legs kicking and constantly moving, keeping me and my partner awake, i was lost and in trouble as im a busy chef who runs my own business.
Over the last year with help from here ive slowly come off it using codeine (non prescribed) i set myself a rule of no more than 2 x 30mg a night, ive had an extra 30mg twice but worked hard to not become addicted. I get regular low heart rate alerts during the deep stages of my sleep when i use the codeine regularly and havent had any help with that yet, it worries me but i have to use them to balance the dopamine levels.
Ive had a sleep watch and bloods taken from a sleep clinic in my city of Birmingham, UK yet not heard anything back and after chasing been told the wait could be another 6 months, im basically abandoned by every one and realised its just me who can save me so me and my girlfriend work through it.
During this time ive started bodybuilding again, dropped 56lb, quit alcohol and opened a restaurant working 14 hour days and training 4 days a week, 10k steps daily when i can averaging 8.8k and do 4 cardio sessions.
I reduced by .25/5 at a time with the last reduction being .25 for a week into nothing, this was due to augmentation being so bad i was so sick of this drug being in me, twitches, 4 hours sleep, anxiety i got to a stage where i was ready for the worsening final drop off and to get clear of it for once and all…
Im now three days off ropinirole using pregabalin i take 450mg split into three parts 9pm 12pm and when i wake normally 3am when i take one 30mg codeine. I take 2 magnesium tablets with my first dose and use cannabis oil that is the proper stuff with thc in.
After three nights im averaging 6/7 hours of broken but not that bad sleep, for me. Tomo my restaurant is open so three longer days and on my feet which will be the real test as this makes my legs worse. Ive decided it will be worth it, im very strong minded although i dont give myself credit for this and can get through it.
I pray once im clear the pregabalin do their thing and i enter a stable stage in my life for a while. RLS will be a battle for the rest of my life but i cant let it rule my life anymore.
I hope this post shines some light for people on the same journey and welcome questions and talk amongst fellow sufferers, we are alone, no one is going to help us so we have to help ourselves with support from others in the same place 🙏🏻