This may be of interest. Perhaps the fact that this has entered the mainstream might wake some doctors up. Also, seaweed .
May be of interest: This may be of... - Restless Legs Syn...
May be of interest

Interesting. As Parkinson’s Disease attracts far more attention (and lobbying and research money), it may indeed get more attention. These risks of using dopamine or dopamine agonists should get far more attention as we so frequently get stories that doctors didn’t warn their patients, most likely because they are just not really aware.
The seaweed part is also an interesting lead. But no more than that. Very early days.
Thanks for posting.
There is a UK film producer working on a drama documentary about this. It's a medical scandal. We have people taking dopamine agonists for RLS who have lost homes, families, careers.Gambling and impulse spending can happen at ANY dose and within weeks OR several years.
Hopefully the drama documentary will make UK doctors stop prescribing these drugs.
There have been hundreds of successful legal actions against GPs & neurologists who failed to warn patients of the VERY HIGH rates of ICD.
There are people in prison because if ICD.
Reading a lot about seaweed being good for us.. how do we buy/eat it?? I will try anything natural but do not want prescription meds.
Hi Ally, I saw you tried iron without success. Not sure type and timing of your trial, but I find that I need to take 56mg of ferrous bisglycinate (not sulfate) on an empty stomach, about two hours before bed. If you’re like me, the RLS will be gone in 1.5 hours for one night. So must be repeated every night. It should work that very first night. If not, then I give you permission to throw in the towel on the iron.
I'm still not sure about iron deficiency being a cause of RLS but am taking gentle iron again every evening. Recent blood test showed no problems with iron...but we know that there is a lot of ignorance about iron levels etc.. If it were that simple, none of us would have RLS...Going to try castor oil on my feet...already use magnesium tablets, butter and spray. My RLS has mainly been bearable but sitting too long and tiredness contribute to mine. We long for a definitive cause and cure!
How many conditions you know appear mainly at night, like vampires? Two things happen at night. Serum iron (NOT serum ferritin) plummets at night, in everyone. We rely very heavily on that serum iron because our brains are essentially incapable of storing some for a rainy day. So when serum iron plummets at night we get RLS. That free-floating pool of dopamine also plummets at night, in everyone. Because our dopamine transport system is so lousy we need every drop of that pool we can get. For ALOT of us just increasing serum iron at night is enough. For others just increasing dopamine is enough, but that leads to augmentation. There’s a point of no return where neither will help, especially if you’re taking an SSRI or HRT or you down-regulated your receptors into oblivion via DAs. Age also worsens our receptors. With any of these scenarios iron or even a DA is like whistling in the wind.
It really is that simple. I am without a single doubt How about you try stopping that iron at night and see how you do?
Ecklonia Cava:
Product Description:
Ecklonia Cava Extract by Ford & Speranza is the premium/gold standard of ECE, and is derived from edible brown algae harvested from the waters off the coastlines of south eastern Asia. It features a unique form of polyphenols called phlorotannins that are chemically distinct from all land/plant based polyphenols. Many scientist believe Ecklonia Cava Extract is a stronger antioxidant than Green Tea by a factor of 10-100 times, and being 40% fat soluble, it is easier absorbed by the body, unlike other antioxidants. It also stays in the blood stream up to 12 hours, and crosses the blood/brain barrier. This allows the body to get all the benefits of this incredible supplement. Ecklonia Cava is the king of algae-based antioxidants, and at 98.8% purity, Ecklonia Cava is the purest, water-based extract you can buy. All studies indicate that there is no toxicity at any level. Numerous clinical tests have been done and no adverse effects have been found at any human dosage level of 1-10mg/kg.
Interesting indeed. But I've already spent like over a 100 bucks on supplements since the last couple of months. Not sure I wanna spend another 40 only to end up with expensive urine. Would be awesome if we got a review from someone who's tried it.
How did the iron go?

Ordered. Waiting for it to be delivered.
It appears to be on back order with Amazon. I will have to go into Whole Foods to purchase. -- Only one I could find with 50mg
Seems good. I use Solgar Gentle Iron. Solgar is a well known brand. Each capsule is 28mg. I used to only need one, but now I need two.
The benefits of seaweed come mostly from the fact that it contains antioxidants, it is only one of many foods that contain antioxidants. It also contains iodine which is essential for neuronal development so everyone needs this to grow new nerve cells as old cells die. I take a couple of tablets of sea kale supplement daily and add a little nori (Japanese dried seaweed) to my weekly casserole.
While antioxidants are important, it's more important to not cause the oxidation in the first place. The most common source of this oxidtive stress is the diet which is relatively easy to change, then there are environmental oxidants which some people may be exposed to, these are often due to where they live or work and may teke more effort to eradicate.