Hi if any of you suffer from muscle spasms with your RLS, I just wondered if you had a athletic/fitness background ?
RLS and muscle spasms: Hi if any of you... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS and muscle spasms

It depends what you mean by spasms. I occasionally get severe cramps, particularly in my calfs and thighs, unrelated to RLS symptoms. Sometimes these seem to be linked to dehydration, but I also had them when I stopped taking magnesium citrate for a few days before trialling magnesium glycinate. Dehydration, magnesium deficiency and statins are commonly linked to cramps.
Hi Chris, I am meaning spasms or muscle contractions that are more permanent , mine are 24/7
So not cramps per se but permanent contractions...? Not hypertonia?brainfacts.org/Diseases-and...
if your spasms cramps are 24/7 then is that the same as your RLS which is normally more evening and night?
After a slipped disc type back issue I noticed an increased tendency for my muscles to go into cramp or spasm if I wasn’t careful. I’d tense the muscle e.g. while yawning and stretching in the morning and then it would suddenly go all the way and contract very painfully, however it was mainly when doing something which tensed the muscle to start with and normally in calves and hamstrings . It didn’t happen during hard exercise (not sure if I could stretch the term athletic to cover my efforts). When my back was particularly bad after the slipped disc I did have a few continually flipping or twitching muscles but they were in my lower back or side and in the glute/quad area. These went away as my nerves settled and the back healed.
The things that trigger muscle spasms for me are artificial preservatives, especially sorbates. All margarine contains sorbate, so does some supermarket coleslssw and many dips and sauces.
Hey, i get problems with my arms fully moving as i fall asleep as in my arm extends (i sleep in weird positions) and my arm bashes my bed side table and wakes me up. I do bodybuilding and wonder if its that or the mix of ropinirole and codeine.