I have had RLS of steadily increasing worsity for over fifty years. For the last twenty I have been taking increasing doses of Ropinirole, and for the last ten have been on 4mg a day with great success except of course for never sitting still for long, never travelling far in a car, NEVER going on an aeroplane, etc.
Recently though I have developed spinal problems that make it difficult to walk, and had pneumonia, which may have reduced my ferritin levels. Whatever, I am suffering agonies of RLS at the moment, and don’t know where to turn for help.
I read about others experiences with augmentation, and the need to come off Ropinirole. This is not an option for me. I would be suicidal after one day. Even with the 300 mg of Pregabalin I have recently been given, and the low dose Naltrexone I have been taking successfully for six years, any reduction in Ropinirole would be quite impossible.
I will get my ferritin levels checked, and in the mean time am taking Ferrous Sulphate I got from the chemist. But I need to do something TODAY to stop the horrors that lie in wait for me this afternoon. Any suggestions?