Hello - I’ve been cutting my bup tablets to take a dose of 2.5 tablets ( 1mcg) whilst reducing my pregabalin by 25 mg ( from 150 to 125)
The first 5 nights seemed to work with we managing a longer period of sleep after taking the additional half a tablet.
On the sixth night after taking the half a tablet I had a severe reaction of extreme nausea and also feeling like my throat was closing …. This lasted for ages - I felt quite woozy in the day and have also been noticing that I’ve been having increased issues walking since taking this combination of drugs - as if I can’t feel my legs properly ( the arthritis pain is less as well however the overall effect is not good).
So on the seventh night I took a quarter of a tablet and had a similar - if a little less - reaction and now feel extremely nauseous - I am also sweating profusely all over - im wondering if this is the reduction in pregabalin coming out since I do seem to get withdrawal from any lowering of a drug after a week…..
So I’m wondering if there are any warnings with cutting bup tablets, if anyone else has experienced this - or if I have inadvertently been swallowing the small pieces and that is why I am getting stomach issues…. I have cut bup tablets in the past but this is a different brand I think…
I’m now stuck nit knowing how to proceed so any suggestions would be appreciated - thanks Dawn