Thanks for the concern and advice in response to my first post 2 months ago.I am currently 5 weeks off the primipexol after 12 months of gradual weaning. Many people talk about experiencing the worst 3 weeks of your life after the final dose and my reactions are still extremely strong.
It is like a convulsion in slow motion which can last for several hours. If I lie down it feels like I am being kicked in the stomach and I have to double up to absorb the "kick". Thankfully it doesn't have the pain associated with kicks.
Sitiing up is also very animated and "vocal" . Standing or walking is perilous and I have to be very careful to avoid falls.
Sleep ranges from non existent to just under 3 hours but I can usually supplement it a little during the day.
Add periods of bad foot pain from peripheral neuropathy and I get extended times where I can’t sit, stand, walk or lie with any sort of comfort.
I am on 300 mg of Lyrica for the foot pain.
My question is: Is this normal and realistically, how long can it last?