Try searching for Restless Leg Blog for the study on Inflammation and RLS. I know many here will dispute that theory, but here’s a study regarding it. Decide for yourself.
Has anyone seen this Study - Restless Legs Syn...
Has anyone seen this Study

I get a warning not to visit the site!
The link does not show up for me but using Joolsg's screenshot I got through to the site (albeit with a warning that it wasn't a secure site) but can't find the study you're refering to.
I think there is some aspect of inflammation that can increase RLS symptoms. One simple test is to use and anti-inflammatory and see if it helps. I know 2 ibuprofen can help me. Will Ibuprofen cure RLS, hell no. Does Ibuprofen help me sleep through the night? I think that is something everyone with RLS should at least try. In an emergency ibuprofen could help.
Hi Wanman4
Glad I ran across your post. I've just joined this group.
There is LOADS of information on the internet that makes a very strong case for inflammation being the underlying cause of Restless Legs.
It becomes clearer when you consider all of the other inflammatory conditions that RLS sufferers are suffering from.
Rarely do you hear of someone suffering from Restless Legs and nothing else.
This all ties into the belief that there is a PRIMARY and SECONDARY type of RLS.
In my experience I've discovered that there is only ONE type of RLS, the type that is caused by inflammation.
The secondary medical condition(s) that people attribute to RLS (IBS, Parkinson's, ADHD, Fibromyalgia etc.) are ALSO caused by inflammation. It's just the ravages of chronically inflamed cells manifesting in a different way.
This relationship goes beyond medical conditions. In any life experience that involves a higher degree of inflammation (pregnancy, aging, post operation ...) you will discover a higher prevalence of RLS.