Hi everyone, my mum who I’ve written about a lot here (80, restless legs along growth a whole host of other issues ) has perked up no end since getting her on electrolytes. I’m delighted as it feels like I’ve got my mum back.
Now she’s a little stronger, I feel like we could start to finally cut down the Ropinrole
I have two questions !
1) We know we need to do this slowly and take off tiny bits of the pill every few weeks . The issue we have is that it’s a film coated tablet so we’re not sure if we can do this without disrupting the protective film (I’m presuming that’s for slow absorption). I’ve attached a pic.
2) Mum seems to take the tablet on an adhoc basis which sounds unusual. When she feels RLS coming on, that’s when she takes them . I presume she’d just take her new, slightly reduced dose at that point ? Or should she try to delay taking the tablet slightly. ? Anyone have any experience here?
TIA for any help!