Hi, I’m confused about something. Did the Oramorph I’ve taken for years cause my RLS or is it keeping it from being way worse? I also used Buprenorphine patches for a while for another condition but it didn’t help the RLS. Thanks.
I’m confused…: Hi, I’m confused about... - Restless Legs Syn...
I’m confused…

It certainly wouldn't cause RLS and yes it is probably helping your symptoms.
I thought opioids could cause RLS?
They are a treatment for RLS. A lot of drugs have a rebound effect when they are stopped causing symptoms to be much worse for a while. Not sure if this applies to opiates and RLS.
That makes sense for me actually. My theory is that the oramorph keeps the RLS at bay - mostly, but whenever I stop taking it, my RL become severe. Not sure what the answer is going forward’s other than to keep taking the oramorph.
as long as you arnt needing to take more to get the same relief it should be fine to just keep taking.
Indeed, stopping an opiate like oramorph can and usually will cause rls-like symptoms. Temporarily. You can only find out by sitting, no walking them out. As oramorph doesn't have a very long half life, it could be over in several days. But if you have underlying (idiopathic) RLS, the symptoms will persist and you may need other means to treat them. Incidentally: have you had your iron status checked according to the advice in the Mayo Clinic algorithm
Both are treatments that supress the symptoms of RLS, they do not address the cause (diet) so as your metabolism changes with age the effects of causes get more severe.
I thought it was neurological? If it’s as Simple as a diet issue, why do people suffer so much to the point of suicide? Metabolism isn’t the same as diet.
The diet causes systemic inflammation which affects the nerves and makes them hypersensitive leading to RLS. Most peole believe that RLS is a disease with no cure rather than a syndrome with causes. Metabolism affects how the body absorbs foods and how it consumes or stores the components.