I know we’re all usually talking about our meds, but I’m wondering how everybody is faring when trying to explain to others what we go through.
I’ve had my adult children question why I take oxycodone. Some seem to understand, some are very judgmental. RLS can start at 10:30 am, and is why I’m spreading out the drugs to get through day and night now.
I spread three 5 mg throughout day and night so you know I cannot be impaired. I’m a writer by trade, which requires serious sobriety and concentration.
The pharmacists seem to be judgement as well, lecturing me on my “serious opioid prescription.”
Being the (non alcoholic) daughter and mother of an alcoholic, it seems to be life’s cruelest joke that I need such serious medication just to pass the night in a normal way. .
Tried one night without it recently to see if I could and nope, even with Valium was up at 2:30 with the creepy crawlies in my hands, wrists and shoulders.
I wonder if anyone else faces this kind of judgment?