Background. From my previous posts you may know that I have had RLS since my 30's. Mild at first but becoming more serious with age and finally crippling at night. However, I found any dairy product to be a trigger and for a couple of years I was free of RLS, then it came back. I was prescribed Ropinirole which was wonderful but after a few months I augmented seriously to RLS 24/7. I changed to Pramipexole in the hope that this might be better. It was not. My daytime salvation was CBD oil under the tongue 2 x a day. This enabled me to be largely free of RLS in the daytime but it returned at night. I was able to reduce my Pramipexole dose from 2 tablets to 1 tablet.
Now for the news! In May I went on a cruise around Britain. The food on the ship was buffer style and my diet included lots of fruit. After several days it dawned on me that I had had no RLS. which lasted the whole voyage. I was able to compare my diet with my usual intake at home and the glaring difference was I had consumed no apples on the ship. At home my custom was to have an apple every day. I have given up apples and now remain free of RLS. I still take a Pramipexole at night but I have reduced it to about 0.6 of a tablet and intend to reduce it further if I can.
I think this shows, that for me, food has been the problem and it may well be the same for some of my fellow sufferers. It is just a matter of discovering what the trigger might be. Easy to say, difficult to achieve.