Lately I've had more and more thigh muscle pain. Some time ago a doctor mentioned "neuralgia" or fibromyalgia. Gasp! Since it's more of an issue now, I'm trying to figure out which situation is the principal cause of my pain: Is it RLS, hypothyroid, or my statin? I just found out that hypothyroidism affects muscles. My T4 is in range with treatment.
Causes of thigh muscle pain ??? - Restless Legs Syn...
Causes of thigh muscle pain ???

I have been having alot of thigh pain as well as severe thigh weakness. My neurologist tests my muscle strength and dismisses my starements. But sometimes I feel like I have chronic fatigue. I just can't beat it. As well, I daily massage my thighs and use an analgesic to massage which helps a little.
Statins caused me extreme tiredness, joint pain, muscle weakness and severe RLS (but not muscle pains): consultant and GP eventually agreed that I could not tolerate statins and prescribed alternatives.
I have occasional sharp upper thigh cramps, cause uncertain, but not general thigh pain. But others have different experiences with RLS.
You'll know more about potential thyroid problems, but if TSH, T4 and T3 tests are normal with treatment is hypothyroidism likely (or even possible)?
There are many other potential causes, e.g.:
Muscle pain can be a side effect of gabapentin, however if you have been taking it for awhile and haven't increased your dose lately, then that is unlikely to be the cause.
I’ve had severe thigh pain since my first lumbar fusion. I believe mine is from all the nerve damage caused by the results of my first failed fusion. My thigh does two different things. My thigh used to just go numb but now it not only goes numb it gets the tingle plus the dead leg is what I call it.