Please can someone tell me the safest pills to take for severe anxiety that will not make RLS worse. Thanks
Anxiety and RLS: Please can someone... - Restless Legs Syn...
Anxiety and RLS

Buspar (Buspirone) and trazodone
Buspirone - like Sue said- is really safe. I tried it for about a year but didn't notice a diff. Maybe my dose was too low. I also tried Naltrexone but it made my stomach sick. Good luck
Alimemazine works for me
I can see that alimemazine (Teraligen) is used for the treatment of anxiety disorders in Russia, but in the UK it's generally only available as a prescription for some allergic skin conditions, and as a sedative for young children before an operation. But it's good to learn that it can be effective for anxiety.
Depends. Is your anxiety constant or episodic? If episodic, I like Ativan at .5 mg dose.
Your RLS and anxiety could well be caused by the same thing i.e systemic inflammation caused most probably by the highly refined carbohyrdates and seed oils in processed food,
Husband had anxiety long before RLS. He has adjusted his diet but the anxiety is worse because his right arm will not stop shaking.
Pregabalin is prescribed for generalised anxiety disorder and also restless legs. I neeeded treatment fie both and this is the only thing that has worked.