What anti-nausea medications do NOT make RLS worse?
Anti-nausea medications: What anti... - Restless Legs Syn...
Anti-nausea medications

I should have said safe drugs to prevent motion sick
Hi Zofran (Ondansetron) is safe .My GP will let me have 6 only as they expensive compared to other anti nausea meds but other GP's won't prescribe due to cost and say Consultant has to prescribe .You need to try and persuade your GP it's your only option .Good luck
My first thought was ondansetron too, but then I saw it was for motion sickness - and looking into it, it's reportedly difficult to get it prescribed for this in either the UK or the US.
You're lucky to have got it prescribed for that here, assuming it works. Patient.info says "Ondansetron....is not usually effective for motion sickness. This, and its relatively high cost means that it is not prescribed for motion sickness alone."
US sources usually also class it as ineffective for motion sickness, and if US patients can get it prescribed for the same it's off licence.
It's of course often mentioned here for its primary usage, as an anti- nausea med during surgery.
Hi there, I always take Stugeron. You can pick up at any pharmacy in UK. All I can say it works for me.
Some RLS sufferers can't take anti-histamines, including cinnarizine which is the active ingredient in Stugeron. It's good to hear that it works for you.
On Jumpinglegs other Post on this subject the recommendation for RLS sufferers is scopolamine aka hyoscine, which in the UK at least is the active ingredient in Kwells and Travel Calm (not sure where you are as your profile hasn't been completed)
I use Bonine on cruises. I love it because it doesn’t seem to affect my legs and definitely makes my stomach happy…but all of this is so individual.
Meclizine Hydrochloride is the active ingredient in Bonine: it exacerbates RLS for some, but you're clearly more fortunate!
You can’t take dopamine antagonists. I did (primperan) and could not stop moving for 36 hours.
Zofran: no problem at all. Domperidone is fine, too.
Ondansetron (Zofran) is good for anti-nausea during surgery, but not generally felt to be effective (or cost effective) for motion sickness. It's generally difficult to get it prescribed for motion sickness (which is what the poster explains they want meds for in the first Reply).
Domperidone "is not usually recommended for motion sickness but is occasionally used if other treatments don't help. Domperidone is not a legal medicine in some countries, including the USA" (Patient.info)