Hi there I am weaning down off Ropinirole and that is fine at the moment. Very gradual reduction However, I was started on Pregabalin about four months ago. I have suffered various side effects but most of them manageable until now. I take 2 tablets in the morning and was on 3 at night. I have now started taking 4 at night and the pain in my arms, hands and legs, predominately my shins is unbearable. Has anyone else suffered with these side effects? The next day I suffer with the hangover effect if you know what I mean - I am left with a dull, achy feeling and slight tingling?
My Dr is being supportive and had said she would of thought the side effects would have settled down by now? She also thought Gabepetin would have similar side effects. Should I just stay on Ropinirole which we both thought was not a good idea. Would definately be the easiest choice by far. She is going to talk to the other doctors in the surgery to see if they have any ideas as to another drug to try.