Update to those following my story…
Today marks 4 weeks since I started reducing my Pram usage. I was on six tabs, today I have taken only 4 1/2 and will do so for the next 2 weeks.
So far, the RLS hasn’t been any worse than I was getting on 6 pills daily. So that’s pretty good I reckon. I have had an increase in global joint pain but that could be down to having to stop taking Neproxin and Omeprazole because of other treatment I’m having.
A strange phenomenon noticed by me and my wife is quite whiffy B.O. which I have never experienced before. I was getting through 3 shirts a day! Sleep has been variable but nothing new. Tiredness goes along with of course. I was hoping to get a compulsive disorder and use that as an excuse to buy a Jag or a new motorbike. Every cloud! I have been reducing Prozac as well. Take a few seconds of cold shower instead - the latest trend. Seems ok so far.
Had the results of my blood screen. Nothing remarkable thank goodness. Feritin was 148 but doc didn’t want to raise that at this stage. All else within normal parameters.
Any fellow Motorcyclists out there seen my post about biking and RLS?
Any way, until I hit 4 tablets in 2 weeks, may all our limbs rest in peace.