I know this is a bit of a drastic take but 4 months ago I broke my ankle in 2 places, plaster for 6 weeks then crutches…I have had no rls episodes since….🤷♀️…..I don’t suggest throwing yourself down the stairs but it’s been amazing….have no idea why this is happening….
Temporary cure?: I know this is a bit... - Restless Legs Syn...
Temporary cure?

Sounds fantastic although the opposite of what most people experience. The only thing that occurs to me is that your activity is likely to have been reduced so were you doing anything particularly strenuous or intensive before the fracture ?
I had an accident and have broken my shoulder in a couple of places I didn't get my restless legs for the first 7 weeks but when I started to get more mobile it all came back
Could well be the meds they have you on for the pain. I was prescribed Lyrica way back for neck pain , this was before I had RLS. Then I get RLS and the doc offers it to me again. What meds have you been given?Fingers crossed that’s the last of the RLS for you, An upside to a very sore injury. Hope you’re fully recovered.
That’s interesting…. I had the same thing happen when I ruptured my Achilles Tendon and was in a boot 24 hours a day for weeks. I was worried about getting RLS while having the boot on. I did not get RLS for weeks while my Achilles healed. I was on no meds. I wondered why not and think it may have something to do with the immune system being activated to heal the injury.
Hi Dotsicle - Sorry to hear of your horrible accident. I see you say you are taking Zapain and I wonder if this could be the reason for no RLs as this medicine has codeine in it and therefore could help RLS. Years ago before my RLS became so severe I took 30 mg. codeine every evening and it worked for some years in keeping RLS under control. Just a thought and I wish you all the best in your recovery.
Quite often feel like throwing myself downstairs…..if only I knew it would help 😂😂
Wow a nice silver lining!
Sincerely hope it’s vanished forever🙏
Hi Dotsicle, it's interesting isn't it. Six years ago I had my big toe fused and then had complications from rejecting the internal stitches. It meant that I had to sit with my foot above my heart for twelve weeks until the whole thing healed. In that time I didn't have a single symptom of RLS a total turn around from my normal experience.
It's well known here on the forum that when one's brain is actively busy with for instance crosswords, sudoku, hobbies etc the RLS is quiet and symptoms disappear, (it seems to be different things engage the brain for different people) but often only for as long as the brain's occupied. So the brain obviously responds to being distracted. Perhaps when the body is healing, as suggested earlier, the brain is 'occupied' and the RLS is overridden as when you're busy with- in my case, making model houses.
It would be so interesting to investigate this phenomenon.
Fascinating….Did the rls come back when you were back to normal?….it’s like the brain can only deal with one thing at a time “right lads, we have to look after and heal this ankle now so let’s leave the rls for the moment” 🤣
Yes it did! I can't remember how long after but it wasn't long. I was just so thankful that I had some respite. It was the thing that worried me the most about having surgery- how would I cope with RL when I couldn't bear weight on my foot. Thankfully I didn't have to find out.
I find that exercise increases my RLS. If on the odd occasion, I have a really restful day, and do hardly anything, my RLS is also less.