Firstly thank you for all the information and support available on this forum. Thanks to you I realised I was augmenting and took my last Ropinerole on 13th January. My daytime symptoms of RLS have mostly disappeared. The GP would only prescribe me co-codomol 30/100 to help with this but that did help. I have since very gradually increased Gabapeptin, wanting to take as little as possible. I am now up to 600mg at 6.00pm and 600mg at 10pm but am still waking sometime between 12.00 and 2.00, taking half a 30/100 co-codomol and a warm drink and after half an hour am able to sleep for the rest of the night.
I am wondering if I should continue to increase the Gabapeptin and try to come off the co-codomol or IF the GP will continue to prescribe it should I continue with the co-codomol and reduce the Gabapeptin to the lowest dose that gives me a reasonable night?
I am also wondering why co-codomol isn’t usually the suggested opioid of the forum.
I would be grateful for any advice