folate: I've heard folate is a good... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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LanaCSR profile image
9 Replies

I've heard folate is a good supplement to treat RLS. Does anyone know if this is true? I take folic acid. Is folic acid the same as folate? Anybody on here have success with taking folate for their RLS? If so, how much should I take?

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LanaCSR profile image
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9 Replies
Guitarpickin profile image

I wish I had an answer for you, but I don’t. When I first began having RLS symptoms (or, actually, when they first became bad enough for me to seek treatment), an extensive blood test revealed I was low in 5-MTHF, among many other things. When I tried to supplement, my overall health was much worse,m. But it is hard to say for sure what caused the decline. In the US, vitamins and supplements aren’t well regulated so a lot of it may depend upon which brand is being used. If you decide to give it a go and want to share the results, I’d be very curious. 5-MTHF sounded like it would be a very beneficial supplement.

bookish profile image

I also don't have an answer, as my RLS had improved a lot before I started methylfolate. I would say that some are fine with folic acid, but some are not and cannot use the folic acid very well. They are not quite the same. I had been using a folic acid containing supplement for many years and had a good folate-rich diet, but had increasing neurological symptoms which improved considerably (didn't go completely of course, but noticeably better) when I changed to small amounts of methytetrahydrofolate. I use Metabolics liquid, so it is a dropper bottle and easy to start very gently. Some find too many methyl donors make them anxious, hyper etc. (The methyl bit improves your ability to use B12). You really don't need a lot of folate, more is not better. I built up gradually to approx 500mcg total but I split that dose into 3, taking a drop or two 3 times daily. Magnesium oil was something that I had added earlier in this long saga and that too made a big difference to overall health for me personally. Best wishes

LanaCSR profile image

Oh, my goodness! I appreciate the input, but both of y'all have me scared to try the folate now, especially because it comes in such a high dose. Even the drops I found have over 600 mcg in one drop! I don't know what to do now...

bookish profile image
bookish in reply to LanaCSR

The Metabolics (methyltetrahydrofolate - lasts 3 months, stored in fridge, so you do end up throwing some away) is 1000mcg to 13 drops, so only a very low dose to start with just one drop. I did a week on one, then a week on two etc, got up to about 9 or 10 drops then read that really you don't need so much, and that it can work better as a divided dose, so I went back to a drop or couple of drops three times a day. I can only say it made a big difference to me. Cheers

LanaCSR profile image
LanaCSR in reply to bookish

Hey bookish, thank you for sharing your experience. So you didn't have any adverse effects? When you say it made a big difference, do you mean it stopped or reduced your RLS? Were each of the drops in the brand you took over 600 mcg like the kind I saw on Amazon? I only found one brand on Amazon that came in drop form. Also, how did you take it? Do you just drop it on your tongue and swallow or mix it in water?

bookish profile image
bookish in reply to LanaCSR

Hi. As I said in my first reply, my RLS had improved before I started the methylfolate so I can't credit it with all of the benefits. My RLS has now resolved, so it may well have played a part, but I also changed diet, lifestyle, other vitamins & supplements, reduced all chemicals etc etc. The Metabolics drops are 13 drops to get 1000mcg, so approx 77mcg per drop, not 600mcg. Metabolics are made in UK and are on Amazon UK but have their own site and do export, so if you can't find any others you should still be able to get them. Just search for Metabolics methyltetrahydrofolate. I buy a 100 ml bottle. I didn't have adverse effects, but did take it very slowly as I do with all supplements because I am very reactive. I was walking into door frames, unsteady on feet, felt like ground was undulating like walking on waves, horrible memory and brain fog, nerve pain, numbness and all the usual neuropathy signs. Still have some of the nerve and neuropathy issues but can think and walk normally now. Looks like I have small fibre neuropathy along with my other bits. (I add my drop or drops to the water I take my other tablets with. I use Metabolics methylcobalamin (B12) and multiple mineral and P5P (B6) as well in liquid form, plus their K2 capsules. Not cheap but very happy with quality.) Hope that helps.

DicCarlson profile image

Many higher end multivitamins now use a reduced form of folate called Quatrefolic. It is in B-Right (b vitamins from Jarrow) and also 2 per day multivitamin from Life Extension. More here...

Stdorn profile image

Due to lack of energy durring the day I have been taking a vitamin b complex that contains folate. It has helped a lot with giving me more energy. I have not noticed any positive or negative effects to my rls.

Guitarpickin profile image

Please don’t be afraid to try folate because of my limited experience. I genuinely believe my negative health was a result of suddenly taking multiple pills to try to supplement supposed deficiencies shown on blood tests. Not at all anything caused by folate specifically. I’d consider trying it again at some point. Just make sure you go to a good company and get a bio available form. I hope you find it helps you!

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