Hello All,
I have posted about my problems with RLS and my adventure in finding a solution... so I have worked with my neurologist first increasing my dosage of Gabapentin to 1600 mg prior to bed, splitting the dosage to 600 at 8pm then the remaining 900 mg at 9:15. It worked but I wanted to work with Pregabalin as it appears to have a better results. Again working with the neurologist I tried 200 mg before bed and slept like a log -- however my spouse said though I was sleeping I was also flopping around like a fish out of water. I contacted the neurologist and he suggested maybe it was a dosing issue so I took 400 mg before bed and again slept like the living dead and again my spouse said I was again flopping around and in addition that morning I had what I can only describe as brain fog that lasted approx. 3 hours.
Now I am going to back to the Gabapentin trying : 600 mg at 7:30 or 8 mg then the 900 remainder at 9 or 9:30 hoping of course a full nights sleep and no flopping.
Just wanted to share with y'all