Just out of interest, I have developed tremulous hands which are a corse tremor, not like a Parkinsons tremor but which are becoming gradually worse and which I think started since I was commenced on Sifrol by a neurologist about 5 years ago. Sometimes I can't hold a cup without spilling the contents. To my knowledge there is no Parkinsons in my family. Any ideas please gratefully accepted.
Possible new side effect : Just out of... - Restless Legs Syn...
Possible new side effect

You can get RLS in your arms ,hands , face , the trunk of your body. I have it in my arms and face. It doesn't feel quite like it does in your legs ,but you still have the need to move the affected part. I also have little tremors in my hands and arms. I think it is caused by some of the medicines I take. I haven't been too bothered by it so far. Pam
I have RLS all over sometimes my hands and arms go wappy on me almost like a spasm jurking lost count of the times i've dropped things or like you i've ended up wearing my drink or someone else has , I use to love doing crafting but can't do it now , do you find it worst say if you sit reading a book holding a book and your arms kick off ?
Not sure about anyone else but i've always said RLS is another type of Parkinson's like there's many different spec of Autism who knows i know lots won't believe that but that's my thoughts.
Hello gypsy49, thank you for your response to my post. What you describe is different to what I am experiencing except for the holding of an object in my hands and not being able to control the tremors. I feel mine is also progressive as it is getting worse but then I am an old woman so maybe things like this happen to the elderly.
Hi. I have both RLS and what is called Essential Tremor. It’s different from Parkinson’s, and sounds very similar to what you’ve described. A knowledgeable doctor should be able to tell the difference between Parkinson’s and Essential Tremor just based on your presenting symptoms. It’s my understanding that Essential Tremor is highly hereditary. I don’t know of any direct connection between RLS and Essential Tremor, although that doesn’t mean there couldn’t be. It’s my understanding that one of the first-line treatments for Essential Tremor is beta blockers. Talking to a knowledgeable doctor would be very important, as beta blockers have their own set of side effects. I’ve experimented a bit with a prescribed beta blocker, and it did help the tremor, but can also make me sleepy in certain conditions. (I understand that drowsiness is one of the most common side effects.). Another unpleasant side effect is that it can reduce libido.
I hope this information is helpful. Wishing you the best on your journey.
— Doug
Thank you Dougg for your response. Could be essential tremor, there is no pain or discomfort associated with the tremors. I have suffered from RLS of the legs (bilateral) for well over 2 decades and the 'feeling' of leg RLS is totally different to this hand tremor. In my gut I wonder if it is not medication related but have no proof. My GP has absolutely no interest in RLS and I think he feels I am neurotic when I mention it. He also seems disinterested in the current literature on RLS that I print out for him to read but in other ways he is a good doctor.
Please seek a different doctor. A knowledgeable one. One that respects you and your needs and is willing to pay attention to what you bring to him and work with you.
Kelirock - If circumstances allow, you might want to consider keeping your current doctor for the things he's good at, and seeking another doctor for your RLS needs. In my experience, some doctors are good at some things, but it's hard to find one that is totally up to speed on everything.
It sounds like you may have Essential Tremor which is not related to RLS. Essential tremor tends to run in families ( my mother had it before the diagnosis was known and was told it was “nerves”). I first noticed it slightly in my 40s but didn’t take medication ( beta blocker/Propranolol) until I was in my 60s. I’ve had no side effects . I take medication in the morning and for me it seems to be enough for the rest of the day.
Hi, I now have an annoying tremor too but I haven’t been on any tabs apart from BP tabs for a couple of years ( just started Pregabalin but tremor pre dated)
I think ‘benign tremor ‘ is relatively common but it would be interesting to know if it is more common in those with RLS. I also have peripheral neuropathy & wonder if that somehow relates to my tremor.

Thanks for responding to my post... not sure about the RLS and hand tremors being related.