I am currently weaning myself off pregabalin, I do not want to take any more drugs, to many side effects, any ideas please on alternative treatments
Alternative tretment: I am currently... - Restless Legs Syn...
Alternative tretment

Hi BLUE there are non med treatments, listed in the topics, 116 of them,, maybe you will find some which will work for you.
While it only affects about 15% of RLS suffers - Iron (Ferretin) deficiency can be a dramatic player in RLS. From Johns Hopkins "The single most consistent finding and the strongest environmental risk factor associated with RLS is iron insufficiency. Professor Nordlander first recognized the association between iron deficiency and RLS, and reported that treatment of the iron deficiency markedly improved, if not eliminated, the RLS symptoms." My severe RLS was "cured" with oral Iron (Ferrous Bisglycinate Chelate) within 3 months. hopkinsmedicine.org/neurolo...
I have just been started on Pregabalin. You are trying to wean yourself off it, is that just because you do not want to take drugs or because of side effects? I was told that you do not augment on this mediacation.

Both reasons really, I am weaning myself off them slowly and the third reason is they didn't really work, I went up to 225mg, I prefer to find an alternative treatment, just to many side effects, ie weight gain, insomnia, and doped up and sleepy in the day, but your answer to the augmentation issue, it's a prescription drug and your brain gets used to them, whether their helping the condition or not, so if you come off them suddenly your brain is saying what's going on here, and you will start to augment, I am going to take a iron supplement, and magnesium, and do plenty of stretching l may even go to yoga, and maybe cannabis oil, it's all trial and error, but I'm determined to be drug free by Xmas, I am sick of uneducated doctors pumping me full of drugs and me feeling like a zombie, every drug I have taken, even if it worked a while, in the end turned around and made it worse, I hope it works for you, I've just decided to go down a different route.
Hi you dont augment from taking Pregabalin. Stopping them suddenly will be withdrawals. The only meds you can augment from are all the dopamine meds and rarely Tramadol.
Just asking have you had your ferritin level tested to see what your number is. ? Its best to get that done if you havent already before taking any iron supplement, you might not NEED any extra iron if you have a high ferritin level and taking iron when you dont need it can be dangerous.
Hi, I also came off preg as it did nothing for me. I perservered for a few months. The only med that works for me is mirapexin unfortunately and when I feel it starting to augment I take tramadol for 5 or six days and then mirapexin again. My life would be untolerable without it. I take a tiny dose of 0.09mg and no more. I supplement with magnesium and iron and drink espresso coffee when my leg starts. It helps mist of the time. Oh yes a small dose of codeine can help. No more than 7mg a day. Whatever .you feel helps you. Good luck. Try to not be constipated