It’s a crying shame that RLS can’t be induced artificially so that Doctors can feel our suffering then they may be more willing to help us all !!!!
Rls dismissals : It’s a crying shame... - Restless Legs Syn...
Rls dismissals

Oh yes!
Wouldn't you love some spraycan that one could waft about in the surgery and await response!?
Oh man I’ve felt like that about fibro for years. I wish there was a way for our loved ones to know what we feel like too so they won’t be so judgmental and understand the torture we go thru with this and other conditions that are invisible. I look fine and am active so I must be fine and faking it when I’m in pain. I even got that from doctors for years! It would be nice if they could reproduce the feeling somehow though. Maybe with some kind of brain stimulation? but that would be hard to make the doctor do that lol.
Ooooh YESSS! Would love to be able to induce it in my gp’s, ........... if they were good to me I might release them from it’s grip after a month or so......... now, let me see if I can get a spell book from somewhere.........,Amazon maybe??😜
I'll take a couple of those cans, extra large please. Until then I'll stick to me Voodoo and Black Magic - and once I get started on the Black Magic I'll eat the whole box
It’s not the same as the feelings you get when trying to sleep or relax. I want one to lay down and relax then get hit with the awful under the skin horrible feeling we get to move our legs to get relief. A tens wouldn’t prove the point I don’t think.