Back in 2013 (at the age of 62), I started taking each night pramipexole 0.25mg and clonazepam 0.25mg for the severe shin/ankle/foot cramps I would have each night. I was getting no sleep and feared going to bed. I knew once I would get to sleep I would wake up with such severe cramps that I would be shaking, crying, screaming. On the pain scale, it was definitely off the charts. My Dad had the same severe leg cramps. It took many years with his neurologist to figure out what worked for him. He (age 81 at the time) was prescribed 1 mg of pramipexole and 0.25mg of clonazepam. So when I started having the same symptoms as my Dad, I went to my doctor and told him which meds had worked for my Dad. The 0.25 dose of each worked for me for years, except on nights when I would eat dinner too late, overeat, or eat too many sweets.
I'm not really sure if I have RLS. I never really have the RLS symptom of the “Urge to Move”. I do have twitching in my lower legs during the day while I am sitting still or in the car. I can actually see the twitches, lots and lots of them. These have increased. At night, I used to be able to get up and use the bathroom and then eventually get back to sleep. Not anymore. Now, if I want to get back to sleep, I have to take more meds. Sometimes I can split my 0.25mg in half and take half that amount 1 hour or more before bed and the other half when I get up to use the bathroom. However, a few nights have been really bad and I had to take the full 0.25mg before bed and then half more (0.13mg) when I got up to use the bathroom. So it seems as though my medication dose is not lasting through the night as it use to. I also start getting twitches earlier in the evening.
Something interesting happened to me in Feb. 2018: When I got a bad case of the flu (that was the year many people died from flu complications) followed by severe diarrhea, I lost 15 pounds (6.8 kg) in 1 month. I was very, very weak. The twitching stopped. The cramps stopped. I wasn't craving sweets during that period, so perhaps that helped also. It took me a long time to get well and regain my strength and weight. Eventually, I started having symptoms again, but was able to get relief with only half the amount of meds (0.13 of each). Unfortunately, that is no longer the case.
And one night last week, I had no symptoms and slept through the night! It was glorious! This hadn't happened in a loooong time. That night was my first day on blood pressure medication (Lisinopril/Hydrochlorothiazide). I thought, oh my gosh, the blood pressure med is going to be my cure-all! But no, the RLS and cramps returned the very next night.
Even if I don't have RLS, I am taking the same medication sometimes prescribed for RLS. So it has been very helpful for me to read on this forum. After reading on this forum about pramipexole, I really would like to get off of it and maybe take gabapentin instead. Also, after reading about the 30-40 hour half life of clonazepam, I would also like to get off of it and on to something else. So I am thinking about getting an appointment with a neurologist to be able to pursue this goal. I have never been to a neurologist.
I have gained so much information from this forum already. Thank you all very much.