I have been on ropinarole for 10 years starting at 1mg then moving on to 3mg daily. I think I started argumenting because I couldn't sleep any more. I started to wean myself of the ropinarole and got down to 1mg but couldn't go any less because the restless leg was driving me crazy. My doctor put me on gabape tin but when I took it it brought the restless back instead of easing it this happened twice so went back to doctors who suggested pregabalin and the first night was great but again after a few days when I take it it brings the restless leg syndrome back. So my question is should I persevere with the pregabalin. I am on Ferrous Fumarate syrup to get my iron levels up because they were only38.
Withdrawal from ropinarole - Restless Legs Syn...
Withdrawal from ropinarole

Hi, sorry you're having this problem.
Since Gabapentin/Pregabalin are known to treat RLS it is unusual that they should make it worse. They don't work quite so effectively as a Dopamine Agonist, e.g. Ropinirole and they don't work for everyone, but as I say, shouldn't make it worse.
A couple of thoughts on this.
With Pregabalin/Gabapentin it takes a few weeks before they become fully effective, so really, in that respect you need to persevere for a few weeks.
I also wonder, as you don't say, when you take the Pregabalin, do you stop taking the Ropinirole? If the answer is yes, then it's not the Pregabalin causing your RLS to worsen, you will be suffering withdrawal symptoms from the Ropinirole.
If that's the case then you could try taking the Pregabalin a few weeks before stopping the Ropinirole.
Better still, don't suddenly go from 1mg to nothing, reduce it by say 125 micrograms at a time for a few days i.e. ask your doc for some 250 microgram tabs and cut them in half. Take 3 halves for a few days, then 2 halves (or one), then 1 half, then none.
You may still get withdrawal symptoms after completely stopping however. The short term use of an opiate is advised by some to help get past withdrawal symptoms.
Unfortunately, you will find your GP refuses to prescribe a suitable opiate, but you could try asking for codeine phosphate. Failing that you could try co codamol which you can buy over the counter. If so, stick to the advised dose, there is paracetamol in it which is dangerous!
If you're not sleeping, Clonazepam or Zopiclone might help, and your GP is more likely to prescribe these.
If you're still taking the Pregabalin and have completely stopped the Ropinirole from 1 mg. Start the Ropinirole again, then slowly cut it down as stated.
I hope this helps, if you're not stopping the Ropinirole when you start taking the Pregabalin, it's another matter.

Thanks Manerva I am still taking a half mg of ropinarole but this is because the pregabalin doesn't take the restless leg feelings away so I take some ropinarole. I presume I am augmenting so should I still take the ropinarole or stick with just the pregabalin with the help of my husband tramadol or my co codimal.
If you're augmenting the advice is that you reduce and stop the Ropinirole. Carry on with the Pregabalin.
Tramadol will be better at getting you over the withdrawal symptoms than co codamol, that's your choice. (It's illegal to take anyone else's precribed medication!).
If you do, please check dosage very carefully and don';t continue it for any length of time.
You have a shot at eliminating your RLS with the iron supplementation. My RLS was severe with Ferretin at 49 and % saturation under 20%. If you get gastro issues - constipation, nausea, etc. - switch to ferrous bisclycinate chelate (also called gentle iron).