Hi guys,
Back with yet an update. Seemingly, the no of posts have been getting up and up from my end. Hope you all don't mind it.
Now on day 35-36, actually can't keep count of it now, there have been some changes to my condition. I no longer get RLS in the afternoon, not even a slight feeling, which is a huge relief while I'm also not getting any RLS early in the morning( early in my life is 6:30am), which is a huge plus again.
After long discussion with my GP, he did agree to increase the Gaba to 300; however, has suggested that if this doesn't work in a week or two then I should go back on Pramipex again.
For the last 3 days, I had quite some reasonable nights. One of those nights I even managed a 6hr sleep (4 of which was unfragmented). The day before I slept for 5 straight hours so I figured that the endemic might be settling. However, last night was torture again. I did manage some 3-4 hours of fragmented sleep however, the RLS was incessant. Eventually, I dozed off at 6ish in the morning to wake up at 7:30 after having woken at 3am with a breakthrough RLS.
Now, one of these things I don't quite understand is if this is my new baseline. Because, before starting any med for RLS, I used to get only mild for an hour or so and I didn't need to get up and walk to feel better like I do now. Also, the intensity of RLS when it is there is quite huge. I can't lay down and when I do my legs are flying.
What do you all think about this ? I'm quite eager to know.
UPDATE: Well I was wrong about my RLS' improvement. Had it all night last night with 2hrs sleep. Got RLS in the afternoon as well as early morning. Moreover, met with yet another neurologist who just wrote a prescription for Requip. I feel like there's no getting out of this now. Is there a possibility that Pram has done a permanent damage and I might never return to those good old days.