Hi all,
About a month ago I quit pramipexole cold turkey. I had been on it for a couple years. At first it was so awesome...total relief from the rls. My doc prescribed it and gave me zero information about augmentation. In fact, his attitude when prescribing it led me to believe it was it was a pretty benign med...no big deal.
Little did I know.
I was also taking 75 mg of sertraline (which I have taken for 12 years)
Anyway, my rls started getting out of control a few months back..started having full night insomnia as well. I read up and learned about augmentation. I figured I would go off it, then go back on. No longer had insurance, so I had no other meds to help.
It was two weeks of pure, total and complete hell.
I NEVER want to experience that again. So I decided I was off it for good.
The rls is much better...back to pre-pramipexole levels. My legs never feel normal, (pretty much have an uncomfortable buzzing sensation that never goes away) but I no longer fantasize about chopping them off, lol. However, the insomnia is still horrific. I probably get two nights of sleep a week. The rest of the nights, I am up all night and try to get naps in the day.
My question is...how long does this go on for? Am I doomed to not sleep? Im starting a new job soon and really worried because I won't be able to nap.
Thanks so much...this group has been so incredibly helpful to me.