I might have to have a hip replacement. Has anyone found that this increases problems with RLS?
Hip Replacement and RLS: I might have... - Restless Legs Syn...
Hip Replacement and RLS

I'd imagine the pain relief post op should end up helping RLS. I suppose it depends on how much you need to move and how much the recovery will hamper that.
Yes, I had a hip replacement a year ago . The anestesia is associated with aggravated leg movements as well as the surgical site may be a cause of the aggravation.Pain meds did not relieve the increase in RLS which lasted over a week.
They add a anti nausea med to the anethesia which can make RLS worse so ask for Zofran which is RLS friendly that will be one less problem for you to deal with while recovering
After I had my hip replacement I found that my RLS increased. Am now on Gabapentin and find this works for me with Gentle Iron daily.
You may want to look into stem cell therapy instead of a hip replacement. I've heard of incredible regenerative and restorative effects of stem cell therapy. It can be expensive but it can also eliminate the need for surgery and improve issues like rls.
Hi, yes I had a hip replacement 5 years ago, and no it did not increase the RLS. It has increase since but not because of RLS I am sure. Good luck with the operation, you should have no problems and feel much better after.
I’m sorry you have to go through a hip replacement. I’ve had both hips replaced. My last hip replacement in January 2017 always hurt. I got an MRI a year later and it showed that the stem was extremely loose causing my pain. My new surgeon did an anterior hip revision. It’s now a year later and I’m still using a cane with pain. If there is anyway you can avoid a hip replacement, do so. My right hip is also loose, however, I won’t have that hip revised unless my other hip heals completely. Please note, that I’ve also had both knees replaced years before.
I now have neuropathy in that left leg and I’m on gabapentin. Between the neuropathy and the RLS, I’m in misery from the time I lie down until about 4 o’clock in the morning. I was given Requip for the RLS and it helps some.
Because of other chronic pain, I’m still on the Dilaudid 2 mg three times a day. I do believe that the narcotics I was on helped stave away the RLS. I’ve now cut back the narcotics from Exalgo 16mg ER and 10 mg Dilaudid up to four times a day down to just the 2 mg three times a day. I believe that is why my RLS has returned so violently. Just yesterday, I had to leave the movie theater after just 30 minutes because of it.
I know I’ve gone and on, but I just wanted to give you an idea of what I’m going through after my hip replacement. I know lots of people do great after a hip replacement. I just wasn’t one of them.
Good luck.
I knew nothing about RLS before my hip replacement. After my total hip replacement my fibromyalgia, rls, & everything came out. I did my own research on the internet to find out why I was having problems with my legs. Which I found to be RLS. But, researching on the internet I also found Nightshades to be an issue. Anyway, months later I ended up on a CPAP machine & requip. Requip is ok but I find if I forget & eat a nightshade after 5 or 6:00 PM I do have more trouble with restless legs. But, I am going to off requip & start taking melatonin & magnesium at night. I really prefer something natural. I don't know if this answer your question. Hope it helps.. Good Luck!!! Oh, I just read that last comment. I'm 5 years out from my total hip replacement. I've been having pain in my replaced hip for 3 1/2 weeks now. I can't see my surgeon until Sept 19th this year. I'm worried as to what might be the problem.
After I had a knee replacement, my RLS went crazy. It was not fun walking for hours with a walker around the dining room table. I later learned that some anesthetics are the cause. I think the US website has info on which ones are safe for us. Hope this helps.