Did anyone watch the program on Channel 4 last night called ‘How safe are your medicines’. It was about vast quantities of stolen medication from hospitals and shipped over to other countries where it was probably sold on the black market. They set themselves up as medical sales people and sold vast quantities of medication back to hospitals. Many in the ultra. One particular drug mentioned was Lyrica and that was prescribed by a doctor to a young man who had epileptic fits. This medication kept his epilepsy under control. He reckons around this period that didn’t work at all and he could have died and around the same time it was found that the Lyrica purchased by various legal means in this country had in fact no Lyrica in it at all. Just goes to show our medication isn’t as safe as we think Even from legal means.
Lyrica: Did anyone watch the program... - Restless Legs Syn...

That ks mum007 ill hunt for the show. The best drugs we can take are none - not always feasible though.
yes ! i saw it ,worrying !
I entirely agree and this applies to vitamins and food supplements too. I swapped from my usual gentle iron brand to a cheaper one that had impressive looking credentials online but I had a terrible stomach upset all the time I was taking it. Took me a while to establish the cause but never again will I stray from my usual Solgar.
Thanks for this information. I have been taking Lyrica for the past eight months. I badly fractured my elbow while walking in the mountains last Autumn and in the process of giving me a half- titanium elbow replacement, my Ulnar nerve had to be repositioned. The nerve pain was unbearable.... hence the Lyrica.
I live in Italy so unfortunately I’m unable to access Channel 4, but I’d be very interested in any advice they gave. How can we tell if the packaging is genuine for example? Mine is manufactured in Kent but the writing on the box is in Italian. Crikey, I’m now wondering if I’m just imagining that it’s still working!